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i dont know any real female anime fans, not that the ones i know arent real females, just that they arent really fans, they just like some anime, they wouldnt watch loads of shows or buy dvds like me
see you space cowboy...
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I was about to include my wife into that group of women who just enjoy watching the occasional anime until I remembered her Totoro tattoo.
Of the female anime fans I know, one of them is writing a fairly successful manga series and goes to most conventions to flog her work. I know a group of five girls who like to cosplay for conventions. Two others are starving University students who look at my collection as a godsend to them (I just love seeing them do that little happy bounce when I give them something new to watch). Another one is a housewife who is also a rabid Buffy fan.
After them, you're right, many of the women will just watch anime because it's something to watch. They couldn't even tell you who Miyazaki is if you asked them.
Most of the guys I know fall into this latter category. When I think about it though, the women are more likely to celebrate anime while the guys are more likely to build up as large a collection as possible. If you look at the percentage of people who participate in cosplay contests I think you'll see more female participants even though they are a minority over all at the convention.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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Damn you all i know ZERO anime fan females!
i miss out on so much extra Bounce factor
mind you i dont really know many females fullstop coz of a certain situation in my life - heart got wrenched out and fed to a rabid dog (kinda blocked em out but now i miss female company)
Theres the...
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Rav way!
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Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Damn you all i know ZERO anime fan females!
I know a few... but there all gothic. What's up with that :confused: ? I don't hang out with them, but I wish I could hang out with a girl who likes anime  ... it's something that could be enjoyed together. Of course, none of my friends really like anime (the one who did moved away), so I can't talk to anyone about anime... that's why I talk here.
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03-22-2004, 01:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2004, 01:41 AM by DARK OSAMU.)
I know one. And she's a complete tool. Kakoi knows her too. Actually he knew her before me. And he'll probably tell you more of her toolery than I can.
Her Tom Toolery!!! I couldn't resist.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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For just one brief moment, I had no clue who you were talking about. Then I thought for a second.  Now I'm in a bad mood.:mad:
I can definitely attest to her "toolery".
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Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
I wish I could hang out with a girl who likes anime ... it's something that could be enjoyed together. Of course, none of my friends really like anime (the one who did moved away), so I can't talk to anyone about anime... that's why I talk here.
Feel free to talk away. you got an anime friend in me
Oh and i really wish the same heck any female friend...
Considering im in a band there should be groupies ahoy
just to think about it in the 1st year (2years ago) i was the man.. i knew so many and now most ties have been severed due to one bitch female and her evil friends
because i no longer live in halls
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Rav way!
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Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
No matter what, do your best to end every relationship with "let's just be friends". My buddies and I refer to this as LJBF for short. I used to be upset at how often my relationships ended with LJBF until I had one messy break up that left me without any nookie for a long time
Even if a woman is a bitch, don't call her that publicly. It's just more hassle than it's worth.
Look at me, I'm the man who still gets to hang out with cute girls who are into anime. Now if only they would get over the fact that I'm married...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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03-22-2004, 01:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2004, 01:51 PM by rav96.)
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
It's easier to hate than to love.
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03-22-2004, 03:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2004, 03:16 PM by Vicious.)
Rav, you're the opposite of me. I'll call them a bitch to their face if they deserve it. I always do my stuff in public, so there ain't no twisting stories around later (unless I'm actually in a relationship for awhile).
If I was you, I'd go sit out in the middle of the damn living room when they come over and if they don't want to be with you, then thats too bad for them. They can leave. I ain't moving for nobody. You put your own self under house arrest, not them. and if they came over and I was sitting there, greet them all as they come in. Just call them all bitches. If someone wants to accuse me of something I didn't do, then I might as well act that way right? I mean, what's the worst that can happen? They already have a bad image of you, so it can't get any worse.
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As crazy as it sounds, I'm going to side with Vicious on this one.
You're already in the dog house. Moping just makes them think that they're right. Find ways to celebrate your status.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
As crazy as it sounds, I'm going to side with Vicious on this one.
You're already in the dog house. Moping just makes them think that they're right. Find ways to celebrate your status.
why's it sound so crazy? :confused:
I'm not sure if Rav will be able to pull it off. It takes a certain type of personality to do it. I mean, you have to truly be a dick and not care about their opinion at all. And if they act mean, you have to be willing to act even meaner. And above all else, you have to be more stubborn and petty than they are. It all comes naturally to me, so I have no problems pulling it off.
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Man you guys are going to label me the biggest asshole in the world for this...
A looooong time ago in middle school, this girl had an obsession with me. BTW I am nothing to obsess about. But she would NOT leave me alone. front of all her friends and mine...I curled my tongue up and sprayed the biggest loogie you've ever seen in her face. After that I turned away laughing at her and her dumb friends and walked away talking about the street fighter arcade game and how awesome it was. Which was what I was doing before her and her friends barged into the circle of hellions we were. They were all acusing me of being a jerk because I wouldn't go on one date with this girl. So I proved to them how much of the devil I really was. I haven't seen that girl since then.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Man you guys are going to label me the biggest asshole in the world for this...
A looooong time ago in middle school, this girl had an obsession with me. BTW I am nothing to obsess about. But she would NOT leave me alone. front of all her friends and mine...I curled my tongue up and sprayed the biggest loogie you've ever seen in her face. After that I turned away laughing at her and her dumb friends and walked away talking about the street fighter arcade game and how awesome it was. Which was what I was doing before her and her friends barged into the circle of hellions we were. They were all acusing me of being a jerk because I wouldn't go on one date with this girl. So I proved to them how much of the devil I really was. I haven't seen that girl since then.
Dude, I'dd check up on that chick. That's some shit that can haunt you for the rest of your life. Being dissed like that in public will fuck up your self confidence big time. Although i'dd have loved to see that happen.
And Rav, I don't know why you take that bullshit from those women. you have to stand up for yourself and if someone you don't care about has an opinion of you that you don't like, fuck THEM and not you by locking yourself in your own room. If they have a problem with you they should have the respect to stay out of your way unless they want to make your life miserable, which it seems they are doing. So, its payback time. I bet you will feel ten times better about yourself if you follow Vicious advice. GO FOR IT DUDE!!