Request to Mods - Let Them Work It Out
yes we are very lienient on what goes on.. Except for what has happened recently.. From this site being up for almost 2 years i can probably count how many threads i have locked on both my hands.. and a majority of those where sub vs dub threads.. Which are all pointless because they are all opinion.. But it because's useless when someone posts to try and piss someone off to get them to post.. we don't need that here.. Good constructive arguements are fine even if they get heated up.
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
now kinda give my 2 cents..
people want to work it out then can do it via PM and not in the publics eye..

Just one more thing, this is not practical, if not possible for case (such as this one) where multiple principles are involved.
lalalalalala, i say the mods are not too bad here. I think sometimes a good argument brings out more info on what people know/ are like. I reckon you should let people flame a bit, but when it comes down to people just cussing/***** etc. people the thread should be closed.
I do prefer when mods just lock the thread e.g. "thread locked or locked etc." without putting there own opinon on the lock thread. Can cause the thread just to start again.

If anyone wants to know what im realy like Tongue: [email protected] (msn, yahoo, 230191694).
I say we have one and only one Sub vs Dub thread and one and only one HK vs R1 thread in the rant forum (it needs a bit of action anyways) and let people just argue it out if they want to. Any other threads on the subjects will get locked.

I just hope that the posters are mature enough to post proper arguments and have a sensible discussion and not just start flaming others.

But those 3 threads deserved to get locked cause they just broke down to shit throwing.
~yawn~ Wow this is really been a great experience reading all this like we just made it out of a depression or something. I am not a person trying to cause trouble in fact that one thread had good information on it that I started and interesting links, but because heaven forbid they werent in the same post everyone jumps on me like I commited murder. And who cares if I did it just to put up a picture, it's not like it made me a better person in real life or any of this helped out at all. It's like Iv'e been saying all along, just try and lighten up some and be more friendly. Posting is fine but once you take useless data in cyberspace and start turning into this huge ordeal that leads nowhere in the first place and keep argueing and whatever then what have you accomplished? Nothing, it's about as great as fighting over a barren wasteland that no one cares $00.02
Well it's nice that HBK isn't getting the point to all those locks. Schultz and JJ both said...Hey you guys stop or we'll stop it for you. And no one stopped. Plus They both made this site so if they want to lock something they can. What's wrong with 2 guys making an argument stop on their site that they don't want deterring others from posting. We all get out of hand and they can stop us if they so desire. BOO HOO we can't cuss each other out over trivial stuff like why is AIM such reetee. BOO HOO everyone is complaining that these threads keep getting locked when in reality it's only one person. As a matter of fact I have respect for AIM because he's still here! And just because I don't like someone doesn't mean I'm gonna chew em out every chance I get. If you noticed I only bithced about AIM in the 2 threads I thought he was being a jerk in. He made a thread in Anime Discussion and I gave him my advice and that was after the one thread was locked. I can be an ass too but I don't let my arrogance get to me all the time. Sometimes it IS called for like in the Locked threads. BUT we all must realize that we are all arrogant. And if we cared about a thread getting locked we wouldn't have taken them so far. If we can't police ourselves then They sure as hell will. It's their site so in the words of Cartman..."QUIT YOUR BITCHIN'!!!!!"
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
I say we have one and only one Sub vs Dub thread and one and only one HK vs R1 thread in the rant forum (it needs a bit of action anyways) and let people just argue it out if they want to. Any other threads on the subjects will get locked.

I just hope that the posters are mature enough to post proper arguments and have a sensible discussion and not just start flaming others.

But those 3 threads deserved to get locked cause they just broke down to shit throwing.

Yea if you wish to do that in the rant forum then by all means.. i never check it anyways.. ;o)
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
yes we are very lienient on what goes on.. Except for what has happened recently.. From this site being up for almost 2 years i can probably count how many threads i have locked on both my hands.. and a majority of those where sub vs dub threads.. Which are all pointless because they are all opinion.. But it because's useless when someone posts to try and piss someone off to get them to post.. we don't need that here.. Good constructive arguements are fine even if they get heated up.

I think because you almost never locked any threads that we aren't used to having 3 in a row locked. Its just cool being on a forum with members whom moderate themselfs and that's what keeps alot of us comming back I think. And that's what Vicious was trying to do I think by telling him not to do 4 posts in a row so that this forum stays that way and you won't have to step in every time he did it.
Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
one thread had good information on it that I started and interesting links, but because heaven forbid they werent in the same post everyone jumps on me like I commited murder.

AnimeInMe, The fact that you put up 4 posts in a raw is a very minor point. People are not angry because of that. People are angry at you because of how you acted afterward. All you had to do was simply say "oh I didn't realize that it will make people angry" Instead, you went on about how others are so stupid. Of course, who wouldn't get angry at that? If you don't see what really happened after all this, then oh well.......

Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU

DARK OSAMU, Is this the best reasonable and constructive argument you can come up with? All you do is keep repeating this is Junkie Joe and Schultz site and they can do whatever they want (mentioned in this thread and other threads). Do you actually expect JJ and Scultz to behave in that way? But personally, I think JJ and Schultz have too much class to even think like that. All I have presented in this thread was reasonable argument with some valid points. I do not think it was baseless. Remember there have been 6 lock ups in past 9 days. Does this happen to be the worst stretch of I-A's history? But then, because majority of people also had different opinions, I conceded. However, will there ever be a stop to pointless criticism? Of course not. It is inevitable.

Edit: My criticism of Dark was a little too harsh. Hence I edited out some parts.
Dude I wasn't being mean, all I said was "yeah yeah, I needed to post some so I could get my avatar its my thread anyway" or something along those lines, then I said "I'm good now" meaning THAT should have been the end of it. Butttt I guess in the past this thread has been so boring or something people, like Vicious, look for the smallest things to make a big deal about and try to build their self esteem or something. I ain't the one cursing people out and TRYING to make them angry and leave or whatever because I have nothing else better do. Everytime I said something it was out of defense anyway, we shouldn't even care about what other people on this forum think about. We should just post whatever in the babble area and anime topics in the anime area, how hard is that?
You know what HBK...since you are as dense as you are shallow, I'm not going to bother trying to get a point across to you anymore. What the heck was I supposed to say? I said what I said. There shouldn't have to be some 1000 year old philosophy to explain something as simple as this. It's kinda like the bible. If you don't want to understand it then you wont understand it. You want to hear an answer that YOU want to hear, but I'm afraid that answer isn't the truth. I never said I get into trouble for flaming. I said I flame when it is deserved, and on that note I rarely do it until this point. 2) I didn't call you a fool, I said you didn't get the point. Why do you keep taking things the wrong way? It was to be taken literally. 3) I didn't say you don't know the meaning of locks. I said you didn't get the meaning of THOSE 3 locks. And since you're done with this thread it seems you have contradicted yourself once again. And if you don't get the point of that statement then I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to make the deaf hear.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
Remember there have been 6 lock ups in past 9 days. Does this happen to be the worst stretch of I-A's history?

I believe it is.

Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
Butttt I guess in the past this thread has been so boring or something people, like Vicious, look for the smallest things to make a big deal about and try to build their self esteem or something.

Yes, I admit it. It was all my fault. I put a gun to his head and forced him to act that way. You caught me.
having been away from the board for a coupla hours then reading through all this thread i can only say one thing


i could put my 2cents down but to be honest i dont give a shite what anyone else has to comment on it so its staying in my head!

NB best distraction from my essay i've had all day
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Why is this even a thread??
Those threads got locked...end of discussion.
We all need to just calm down and get back to what brings us all here, Anime.
most sites if you say the mod is wrong,you'll get banned-this sites pretty free an a think it has some of the fairest mods around-not Suzakuseikun
hes an asshole
theres nothing in this world to believe in

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