What is muy BUENO!!
lol Well then go for the hovercraft, if you got the time, it's pretty straight foward
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
You sir are a twat.

took the words straight outta my head!

look at me i've gone to Otaku allready in like a week or so without doing stupid SPAM post sluttery!

make em count

NB Go Vicious !!!

dude your putdown are hillarious
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96

NB Go Vicious !!!

dude your putdown are hillarious

Thanks. I try. Sometimes they come out sounding stupid and sometimes they don't. And honestly, I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be in high school. I've lost my touch. In HS, you had to be able to make comebacks if you wanted to survive and not end up looking like a loser.

And Animeinme, you're still a fuckin' loser in my book. I'm sure you'll make another triple or quadruple post. and before someone responds to me again. . . I can see him making a stuid post, but there is no need to ever make a triple or quadruple post in a row. Instead of using paragraphs, the idiot uses separate posts.

This is where my little puggie follows me. Let's see if he keeps his word . . .
boo hoo boo hoo *sniff* *sniff* ...Oh yeah that's right, what was I thinking, anything you say has absolutely no substance whatsoever. Phew that's a relief

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