You know what, Pina Collada and Coconut....THose are GREAT flavors although some people I talk to HATE them with passions and I cannot see why...And they like things like PICKLES AND SQUASH!! EWWW!!! Although the small sweet pickles are good.....
They make an edit button for a reason. Please use it. It keeps you from needing to quadrouple post. Thank you.
yeah yeah I know but I wanted 50 so I could put an avatar so I am good now, besides its my thread anyway
You know, posting just so you can get an avatar doesn't help you make freinds on the board.
Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
besides its my thread anyway
Well, technically the thread belongs to the site owner.

Quote:Originally posted by AnimeInMe
yeah yeah I know but I wanted 50 so I could put an avatar so I am good now
I REALLY hate to do this. However, I must say "MORONIC" on this one
Quote:Originally posted by hbk101
I REALLY hate to do this. However, I must say "MORONIC" on this one
LOL Make friends? Please excuse me while I go and cry because the chance a couple people I'll never know or meet in my entire life disagree or happen to not like my text for some reason. Hey sorry if I wasted your time by forcing you to go to a thread I started and making you read 4 posts I put up

as long as this kind of thread is in the general babble (where post sluts run wild) its all good ;p
hmm I haven't had spam in a looooooooooong time