What is muy BUENO!!
Wow, you really have nothing better to do than to post here do you? Don't worry your little puggie is still around hiding in the shadows waiting to bite you in the neck at the most oprotune moment.
[Image: gametz-ad6.gif]
HEH.....you got rabies??! Big Grin

*Runs and hide in the bush*
In the words of George Carlin...
"I always breathe normally when I'm in a 600MPH uncontrolled vertical dive. I also $#!7 normally. RIGHT IN MY PANTS!!!"
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by pugmagician
Wow, you really have nothing better to do than to post here do you?

Says the guy who is according to him going to respond to all my posts.

I really am glad that my little poochie is still around though. I was beginning to miss that annoying stench of his.

I was afraid he might have already given up. Good thing that that's not the case.
This makes me realize how little I post... Someone almost has as many posts as me after being here for like a month or something, and I have been here for years...

-From the strangest Pac-Man -ish game ever, Devil World
omg You guys have made my day, pug, you rock. Man I start the GREATEST threads and all I did was say COMPLETE NONSENSE!!! Man it's so great when the I guess I should say "main posters" get all annoyed with a mere thread I START in a area where its completely fine to start and then get in disputes because they are so retarded...MAN this is funny stuff:p
And jeez I only posted like 4 posts to get to at least fifty cause I wanted to use my alucard picture....is there a crime in that? AND THOSE were very informative posts mind you!!! Did you see the hovercraft!?!?! How about the architecture!! Me and my friend are going to construct a hover craft this summer for fun...A bigger and cooler one though, and take that baby to the beach!
And in the humble and wise words of Junkie Joe, "its all good" So in my humble words "Shut up and go sell all your posessions except for a small cloth which you shall wear around your waste and crawl through a dark alley in a pile of your own vomit and piss in a large over crowded city wallowing in misery until you starve or just do everyone a favor and shoot yourself"......Especially you Vicious I mean sheesh
You sir are a twat.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I was impressed with the IR google construction
I know, pretty sweet, I still have yet to make a pair..... If you look around more of that site you'll find more links to other scientific stuff, escpecially the hovercraft one
I wasn't too concerned about construction, but rather the scientific mistakes perpetrated in grade-school. I wouldn't say I've prgressed beyond purty and interesting doo-hickeys, but, I wanted to check out some of the fun reading material.
I know it rocks
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
You sir are a twat.

You are being too nice.
In truth, I was just joking with my comment. I actually found the goggles to be quite interesting and read the page for a few minutes before realising that it would be impossible for me to assemble as I get frustrated and often throw projects I'm working on across the room once frustration sets.

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