What are you guys doing now?
hEH....I got Angelic Layer coz I read R1 reviews that it's good. It's an A category.

Tell the truth, I don't watch anything that's not complete yet. I don't like watching and stopping to wait for the next vol to be out. I buy and buy and buy till the last b4 I start watching.

A lot of times, I wish that the R1 companies would put more eps into 1 dvd. The dvd has more space than that. Man!!!!! That would save us a lot of money...but oh well, wishful thinking. Just like FLCL, 2 eps on 1 dvd?! :eek: That's why I got the HK version on 1 dvd.

Rent? Hardly any stores rent out anime since it doesn't have a big market here in LA county. The last time I rented was at Netflix. Dropped the subscription since the delivery time was getting absurd. I subscribed to the 5 dvds out a time plan. Most of the time, I sent them back together and their store is just a 20mins drive from my house. Crap, Netflix said only 1 dvd was received the following day. The next dvd was 5 days later, the 3rd was a week late..........and so on. In the end, I only got 8 dvds in a mth??!! Customer services suck too. They tried to charge my credit card for dvds they said they did not receive. Man..I sent out on the same day, they could get 1 and not the rest the following day???? Hell with that...:mad: Wink
I don't have the patience to wait. I open them up and try to watch them as soon as I can. It sucks for series like Rahxephon where I forget alot of the subtle stuff that happened in the previous volume. I'll have to go back and watch that one again sometime.

As for Netflix, I love it. I haven't had any problems at all. I do the 3 DVD's at a time and usualy get through about 11 or 12 in a month. Also, they are getting a ton of anime in latley. Almost every new release that I've wanted to rent, they've had. Without them, I'd never have gotten to see great stuff like Happy Lesson and Someday's Dreamers.

As for our tastes, it seems that you're into the serious stuff like Argentosoma and Betterman. While I don't like serious stuff much at all, with notable exceptions like Berserk, Eva, Fushigi Yugi. I'm more into lighter stuff and comedies.
Maybe I'll try Netflix again..........reluctantly. I just tried to check out their selection but well, those on the samples I've seen all of them already and Netflix doesn't allow me to browse further without signing up. Cheap! Hehehe...why would I want to restart my membership without being able to look at the entire selection. :p

Oh yeah...I like serious stuffs. I guess it's coz the first anime I had seen was Vampire Princess Miyu. I preferred darker genre ever since then. I'm slowly trying to add light-hearted anime into my collection. Only problem is, unless I read those R1 reviews, I'd never know whether they are stupid funny or funny with depth. I prefer the latter, that's why I don't really like the Slayers Collections I have. Regretted buying them. I'm planning on selling it later, either to my friend or at Ebay.
Well, you can give me a list of some stuff that you want to see if Netflix has or not and I can can let you know.

I actually liked Slayers and was thinking of purchasing it at some point from JJ. You have R1's or HK's for it? I like funny stuff like that that has comedy mixed in with action. That's why I also like alot of Rumiko Takahashi's stuff. I can't stand really stupid stuff like FLCL. I decided to give Excel Saga a second try. but I have a feeling that I still won't end up liking it.
dude Excel Saga is an aquired jap Humour taste!

and you seem to know alot of Jap cultural references so just give it time, you will like it. i love it cioz its just a sit back and relax anime with crazy mad shit occuring! plus THE FX one is outta print now so "treasure it"Wink
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Well, the 1st time I watched it, I hadn't seen nearly as much stuff as I have now. Besides, I didn't know about the AD Vid notes. So I figure maybe I missed alot of the in jokes. so I'm going to give it another try. I got it in from JJ a few weeks ago. I'll try watching it again and if I don't like it, I figure it shouldn't be too hard to trade away since it's 'out of print' now.
I spent a while getting hold of the R1s of Excel Saga, mainly because it featured my favourite seiyuu, Mitsuishi Kotono, in a prominent role. However, while she was excellent I knew I'd never watch it again (there's also a noticeable lull in the middle of the series) and promptly sold the lot on eBay.
Playing: Final Fantasy X-2, Silent Hill and MGS (PSX).

My Anime Collection
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
I spent a while getting hold of the R1s of Excel Saga, mainly because it featured my favourite seiyuu, Mitsuishi Kotono, in a prominent role.

Damnit!!! And I thought you were gonna mention Monica Rial. Big Grin I'm a dub fan and an ADV junkie, so Hilary Haag, Monica Rial, Tiffany Grant, and Luci Christian are some of my favorites.
I'm a committed sub fan, but like ADV too - they do a good job for those who like subs. Animeigo are even better. I guess we both appreciate quality and effort albeit from different perspectives.
Playing: Final Fantasy X-2, Silent Hill and MGS (PSX).

My Anime Collection
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Well, you can give me a list of some stuff that you want to see if Netflix has or not and I can can let you know.

I actually liked Slayers and was thinking of purchasing it at some point from JJ. You have R1's or HK's for it? I like funny stuff like that that has comedy mixed in with action. That's why I also like alot of Rumiko Takahashi's stuff. I can't stand really stupid stuff like FLCL. I decided to give Excel Saga a second try. but I have a feeling that I still won't end up liking it.

I just came to work...... *booooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg*
Have to go back school later at night for Calculus. What a life....

Thanks for the offer Vic.
I have the R1s for Slayers. I actually regretted buying them coz it's kind of silly....to me.......:p Big Grin
FLCL, I gave up after watching the first 2 eps. Eh...I have the feeling that you still won't be liking Excel Saga that much. I watched Excel only till halfway and I am still putting off finishing it. Kind of silly........Hehhe.... I loaned the HK Excel Saga to my roommate, gave me back after 2 hours.....said, stupid boring show.....
I bought the HK set first then without watching it first, I found a good bargain on Ebay (paid only $50 for all 6 R1s: Heh.....auction ended 4am in the morning, who's up? ME!!!!!!!:p )
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
I'm a committed sub fan, but like ADV too - they do a good job for those who like subs. Animeigo are even better. I guess we both appreciate quality and effort albeit from different perspectives.

I'm a committed sub fan even though when I first started, I only watched it dub (hehehe...doing HW at the same time). After I first started the subs...ehehhe I never turned back.

Animeigo is really good with the subs! As long as the subs are well translated and readable, I'm for it! Big Grin
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
I'm a committed sub fan, but like ADV too - they do a good job for those who like subs. Animeigo are even better. I guess we both appreciate quality and effort albeit from different perspectives.

I like Animeigo because they license alot of stuff that most companies wouldn't. I just wish they'd dub more of the stuff. I would have definitely bought the KOR TV series if they had dubbed it. And no dubs is the reason I keep putting off watching my Urusei Yatsura DVD's. I loved the job they did with You're under Arrest and wish they'd license more of it for release here.
I just drank so much milk that I'm feeling so sleepy.......
i'm watching the southpark with Jennifer Lopez and her taco flavored kisses.

"Taco-Taco, Burrito-Burrito"
I just got back home. It was one long ass day today.

Hehe, there are not one but two anime rental stores in my city so I rent anime DVDs all the time. Both stores have about the same selection of anime but one has more hentai and the other one more live action stuff. I rarely buy any R1s, I don't usually watch a series more than once or twice so whats the point of paying that much for R1s, I can copy all the stuff I rent on DVD-R or just get HKs or download the fansubs if I'm really cheap or impatient. I spend most of my money on manga. I might get the Azumanga Daioh R1s though cause I love that series and the show has tremendous replay value and is something I know I can watch over and over again. I'll probably pick up some movies or short OVAs along the way also most notably some Ghibli R1s I'm waiting to be released here (like Nausicaa and Whispers of the Hearts).

AnimeIgo brought over Macross so they'll always be cool in my books. ADV pisses me off with their so call 5.1 DD english audio tracks, they dont even use if to its full capacity, no directionality and they don't really take advantage of having a seperate subwoofer that much (plus I don't watch dubs Wink ). What a waste of space it is.

Excel Saga I didnt like. gave up after episode 5.
FLCL is one of my all time favorites.

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