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Well I just got back from work. I stopped on the way home and picked up some sandwich stuff. Made 2 subs with Tomato, Cucumber, Turkey, Pickles, Ranch Dressing, Ketchup, and Honey Mustard. Now I'm fixing to go to sleep.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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I'm trying to do my Physics HW....crap oh crap....I HATE PHYSICS....
Have to study for a midterm tomorrow too..........
No sleep for me tonight...
Have to work after school tomorrow till 9pm.....
Still have 150 Calculus questions to do...due Monday......
Sigh....................  :mad:
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I just woke up. Am watching Sportscenter and trying to figure out what games I should bet on tonight. Gotta get ready for work in another hour or two.
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I'm back at work after school. Only managed to catch an hour of sleep last night.
Now I'm sooooOOooo stone without the use of drugs....Kept staring into empty space.........
8 more hours to go...
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Well I woke up about an hour ago. Now I'm watching Angel and catching up on past threads.
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Just watched a movie, Naked Ambition.
I'm suppose to do a little cleaning and finish my assigments tody. I don't think I'll do either.
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i'm trying to do some hardcore Coursework and dispensing lab but end up posting here wasting sooooo much time bummin around on the net
i'm screwed only got till 2mw
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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DOHZ.....I missed Political Science class again this morning. This is the 4th or 5th time since school started.
Man.......I just have this nasty habit of sleeping no earlier than 3am everyday, doing nothing...:mad: Guess unless I get rid of this habit, if not, I'll have to forget about taking morning classes.
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Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Man.......I just have this nasty habit of sleeping no earlier than 3am everyday, doing nothing...:mad: Guess unless I get rid of this habit, if not, I'll have to forget about taking morning classes.
Hahaha. Me too. I went to sleep at about 3 last night. I found out after my 1st year in college to never take morning classes again. I'd always try and schedule classes nothing earlier than 11 or 12.
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I used to sleep around 1am every night...........but since beginning of this year, I never went to bed before 3am. Sometimes I stayed up till 4 or 5am even though I have classes everyday at 8am.
I would really like to schedule classes no earlier than 11am but that time, you have to be in school at least 45 minutes early to get a parking space. PLUS, california schools have no $$$ now, a lot of classes were cancelled or cut. Have to make do with whatever we could get right now.
Oh well, just hope my prof would email me back regarding what to study and prepare for, for Monday's midterm.
Crap, I really have to do my 150 questions for Calculus. Due Monday, 2 midterms monday and physics on Tuesday....
!*@&#$&#*)@(#*  :mad:
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I think I passed 1 out of 5 morning classes. I'll never take a morning class unless absolutely necessary.
I'm in class right now, the professor aint even here, TA is trying to teach the class, only reason I'm here is to do a quiz.
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Joined: Aug 2003 prof skipped class on Monday and I overslept on Wednesday.
I used to wake up every single day when I had more than just 1 class every morning. Presently, Monday and Wednesday, I only have Political Science from 8-9.30am. The next class is at 7pm. Tuesday-Thursday-Friday, at least I have classes till 12pm.
I like having all my classes in the morning so that I would be free for the remaining day.
Blame it on that freaking California debt..............
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Japschin, I just clicked on your anime link. You have more R1's than me. :mad: But I still like my collection better.  With as many as both of us have, we have very few titles that are in common in both our collections. I think maybe 25% of them are similar. Guess we must just have different tastes.
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Vic, I try to test out as many as I could. Hehehehe......our tastes are different.
Is kiddy grade and Last Exile pretty good? I'm thinking of getting those but gonna wait coz I hate waiting for the volumes to be out except when I know that I like them eg. Witch Hunter and Angelic Layer
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I try testing as much stuff as I can. I usually rent stuff I'm not sure of though. I've seen at least 1 volume of most of the stuff in your collection.
I like Last Exile alot. That is definitely worth it. As for Kiddy Grade, I've only seen 3 episodes so far. It's not bad. It's one of those series that could end up being really good or really bad depending on what direction they end up taking with it.
I'm collecting WHR too and got conned into buying Angelic Layer #1 with the box for $15 from rightstuf. so now I have to fill in the rest of the box.  I like Angelic Layer, it's just that it's kinda like a kiddy tournament anime. so I was trying to resist. But at that price, I couldn't help myself.