I've been wanting to get the series but from what the reviews for the FX version say, the subs suck and the R1s will cost $100. Does the new MAC version have better subs? Does anyone know?
[Image: AASignature.txt]
I am waiting to find out if MAC is a rip of FX or MI version (people say MI version is better? but I want to confirm about MI quality too)
Are MI and FX the same?

Also, there must be another version. I check at www.animeniacs.org and click on backorder. They listed Hellsing Limited Edition R3.
The anime you own, may end up owning you.
I've got the Mac release of Hellsing. I'm not sure if it's a rip of the FX version but the description of the subs definitely matches up.

The grammar and timing are both pretty good so the story is pretty easy to follow.
My biggest complaint is that the subs are pretty tiny. This means they take up less of the screen but it also makes them a bit harder to read.
The names do change as well... get used to it... it's not an uncommon occurance on an HK DVD.

I found the series to be very watchable on the Mac discs once I got used to reading smaller subs.

I'm sure the R1 release will be better... you also pay for those improvements. The big question is what's it worth to you for better subs? Do you just want to understand the story or do you want top quality?
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I don't care to much for the video. I just want good subtitle. I checked the review and there seem to better review for the MI as compare to FX. I just wanted to know if they are the same or not.

I don't care to much for spelling or grammar, but as long as it is sub isn't to quick or to slow. I hate having to rewind it.
The anime you own, may end up owning you.
I spoke to Cashan about that Hellsing R3.. It's pretty pricey, I'm pretty sure he said at least $80 if not more.. Comes in a gorgeous box set with an extra.. I wanna say perfect models of Alucard's guns or some such. I have a bad memory, sorry. Wink Too bad my player doesn't play R3..
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check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
It seen, none of the seller have the MI, so I'm just going to get the FX version.
The anime you own, may end up owning you.

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