FedEx Man
It's been a while since we've had one of these threads so here goes...

What is your job?

I work on the loading docks on a forklift at night for FedEx. I've been there for a little more than a week and it's a lot of fun. We don't ship stuff that goes to your mailbox. We load pallets of freight that go to different companies. So if I were to order something from here it wouldn't go to us. Anyways, what to you all do for a living?
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I am a Substitute Teacher. The job is hard and not very fun...and you only get paid once a month. I would rather just sit at home and do something else.Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I am a Substitute Teacher. The job is hard and not very fun...and you only get paid once a month. I would rather just sit at home and do something else.Wink

Hard?? I figure'd it'd be easy. I was thinking about doing that but they don't have any openings for substitute teachers in my area right now.

Anyways, I used to work at a bank, but I got so sick of the job that I basically quit. I'm scheduled about 3-6 hours a week right now.

So I'm almost done with my real estate classes and will be taking my exam soon. I should be ready to sell in about a month. So anyone whose in VA and needs to buy a house, let me know. Wink
I used to work for a small company that makes digital transfers of old film. However, the owner decided to use only full-time workers and basically got rid of all the part-timers. It sucks since I had turned down a job at a restaurant in order to work there, and I'm not sure if I could get a job there now. Howver, it is cool since I met a guy from the fraternity that I am now pledging.
I'm in training the next three nights to be a video monkey. Err... Blockbuster "customer service representitive."

It's not special... but it's money.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Umm well i think everyone here knows what i do.. hehe but my job in the miltiary is Soon to be Ex-Electrical Power Production which basically i maintain backup generators and Automatic Transfer Panels.. I also maintain Aircraft Arresting barriers to catch air craft that have a emergancy in the air.. but i am soon to be Computer System Admin.. hehe soo glad for Retraining..
Let's see... I am a certified electronics technician but I don't do much more than use that for dinking around inside toys at home... I've got a degree in photography which I use for shooting weddings and doing some digital imaging... I'm A+ and Net+ certified but I don't use that education for anything other than fixing up friends computers from time to time...
So the logical job choice for me is a Quality Systems Clerk! I get handed paperwork filled out by factory workers. I enter their paperwork in to the system (this can be harder than it sounds) and hand it on to the Quality Systems Administrator. He then decides what to do with a quality issue and hands the paperwork back to me. Finally, I make sure his decision gets to the people who actually do the work.
Basically, I'm a glorified router.
At least it pays well and has good benefits and I'm not in danger of losing my job any time soon. Not to mention the bonus of working 9 to 5 and less than a half hour from home.

Does anyone need any photos taken?
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Hard?? I figure'd it'd be easy. I was thinking about doing that but they don't have any openings for substitute teachers in my area right now.

I guess hard really isn't the word. It is more "taxing" than hard. You have to put up with tons of garbage.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
well im just a mere student and i have yet to venture into the real world although i do work part-time at the weekend.
see you space cowboy...
Oh, yes, the wonderful military. To tell the truth, I've been doing my job a little over three years and I still don't know what I do. I guess to simplify, I'll make a short list:
I teach Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Conventional Warfare Defense to all Air Force personnel, I am part of the only WMD Response Team on Okinawa and that's just part of my "Peace-time" job.
When we go to war, it's a whole nother ball of ugliness.Rolleyes
Needless to say, if I have to really do my war time job, the shit-ith has hit-ith the fan.
"GAS, GAS, GAS!" :p
NBC?! oh, so you're one of those who throw in 5 CS pills to gag the shizzle out of the poor victims in the chamber huh... sucks. :mad:


oh yea... my occupation is being a pawn for uncle sam in his political chess games. he sends me out to exotic foreign countries to meet interesting new people Smile

and then kill them Rolleyes

i am the few... the proud... the otaku in debt Sad
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
Quote:Originally posted by NYxCalm
NBC?! oh, so you're one of those who throw in 5 CS pills to gag the shizzle out of the poor victims in the chamber huh... sucks. :mad:


It is so they may survive. And yes, we get a kick out of it! It takes a strange and twisted personality be NBC in the AF. Big Grin
NYxCalm you rock brother!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
im a student but in 1 year i will either be a) some job in networking(cant be too picky i got a student load to pay back) or b) a 2nd Lt in the RAF Computer systems or weapons.( i cant remember the job titles percisely).

Anyone hear work for a network company in the UK?
im a student at Staffordshire University (need a networking job)
I'm curently a Student at Nottingham University

Doing a Masters in Pharmacy (in my 3rd year)

so i guess i'll be a pharmacist, if all goes well!

anyone else doing a crappy science degree, or is it just me?
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!


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