It's been a while since we've had one of these threads so here goes...
What is your job?
I work on the loading docks on a forklift at night for FedEx. I've been there for a little more than a week and it's a lot of fun. We don't ship stuff that goes to your mailbox. We load pallets of freight that go to different companies. So if I were to order something from here it wouldn't go to us. Anyways, what to you all do for a living?
I am a Substitute Teacher. The job is hard and not very fun...and you only get paid once a month. I would rather just sit at home and do something else.

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
I am a Substitute Teacher. The job is hard and not very fun...and you only get paid once a month. I would rather just sit at home and do something else.
Hard?? I figure'd it'd be easy. I was thinking about doing that but they don't have any openings for substitute teachers in my area right now.
Anyways, I used to work at a bank, but I got so sick of the job that I basically quit. I'm scheduled about 3-6 hours a week right now.
So I'm almost done with my real estate classes and will be taking my exam soon. I should be ready to sell in about a month. So anyone whose in VA and needs to buy a house, let me know.

I used to work for a small company that makes digital transfers of old film. However, the owner decided to use only full-time workers and basically got rid of all the part-timers. It sucks since I had turned down a job at a restaurant in order to work there, and I'm not sure if I could get a job there now. Howver, it is cool since I met a guy from the fraternity that I am now pledging.
I'm in training the next three nights to be a video monkey. Err... Blockbuster "customer service representitive."
It's not special... but it's money.
Umm well i think everyone here knows what i do.. hehe but my job in the miltiary is Soon to be Ex-Electrical Power Production which basically i maintain backup generators and Automatic Transfer Panels.. I also maintain Aircraft Arresting barriers to catch air craft that have a emergancy in the air.. but i am soon to be Computer System Admin.. hehe soo glad for Retraining..
Let's see... I am a certified electronics technician but I don't do much more than use that for dinking around inside toys at home... I've got a degree in photography which I use for shooting weddings and doing some digital imaging... I'm A+ and Net+ certified but I don't use that education for anything other than fixing up friends computers from time to time...
So the logical job choice for me is a Quality Systems Clerk! I get handed paperwork filled out by factory workers. I enter their paperwork in to the system (this can be harder than it sounds) and hand it on to the Quality Systems Administrator. He then decides what to do with a quality issue and hands the paperwork back to me. Finally, I make sure his decision gets to the people who actually do the work.
Basically, I'm a glorified router.
At least it pays well and has good benefits and I'm not in danger of losing my job any time soon. Not to mention the bonus of working 9 to 5 and less than a half hour from home.
Does anyone need any photos taken?
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Hard?? I figure'd it'd be easy. I was thinking about doing that but they don't have any openings for substitute teachers in my area right now.
I guess hard really isn't the word. It is more "taxing" than hard. You have to put up with tons of garbage.
well im just a mere student and i have yet to venture into the real world although i do work part-time at the weekend.
Oh, yes, the wonderful military. To tell the truth, I've been doing my job a little over three years and I still don't know what I do. I guess to simplify, I'll make a short list:
I teach Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Conventional Warfare Defense to all Air Force personnel, I am part of the only WMD Response Team on Okinawa and that's just part of my "Peace-time" job.
When we go to war, it's a whole nother ball of ugliness.
Needless to say, if I have to really do my war time job, the shit-ith has hit-ith the fan.
"GAS, GAS, GAS!" :p
NBC?! oh, so you're one of those who throw in 5 CS pills to gag the shizzle out of the poor victims in the chamber huh... sucks. :mad:
oh yea... my occupation is being a pawn for uncle sam in his political chess games. he sends me out to exotic foreign countries to meet interesting new people
and then kill them
i am the few... the proud... the otaku in debt

Quote:Originally posted by NYxCalm
NBC?! oh, so you're one of those who throw in 5 CS pills to gag the shizzle out of the poor victims in the chamber huh... sucks. :mad:
It is so they may survive. And yes, we get a kick out of it! It takes a strange and twisted personality be NBC in the AF.

NYxCalm you rock brother!!!
im a student but in 1 year i will either be a) some job in networking(cant be too picky i got a student load to pay back) or b) a 2nd Lt in the RAF Computer systems or weapons.( i cant remember the job titles percisely).
Anyone hear work for a network company in the UK?
im a student at Staffordshire University (need a networking job)
I'm curently a Student at Nottingham University
Doing a Masters in Pharmacy (in my 3rd year)
so i guess i'll be a pharmacist, if all goes well!
anyone else doing a crappy science degree, or is it just me?