Who's interested in chatting?
Due to some requests, I'm going to host a chat session tonight around 10pm EST (no promises on the exact start time... I don't live at the computer).

I'll be hosting it on irc.esper.net:6667 and the channel will be #import-anime for anyone who wants to join up.

If you've read my posts here you'll know that I have a strong opinion on things and please don't get offended if I call you a moron for saying something stupid. It isn't supposed to be a personal attack on you... wait a minute... what am I saying??? Yeah... I'll be attacking morons... I kind of enjoy it...

This doesn't mean that I attack anyone with an opinion different from mine. I enjoy a good debate and people who can support their opinions. What I mean by stupid people are one that say things like all violent anime are crap. What they mean to say is that they don't like violent anime. Or people who claim stupid things like Miyazaki directed 20 episodes of DBZ or other things that are just plain wrong.

Sorry folks... that turned into a rant and I didn't even mean it to.

If you wanna chat, I'll see you tonight...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
You picked a perfect night for me, but I wish it'd be at MircX, but I'll find the channel!

Oh, actually I got a question. I regularly connect to the Espernet, and after a lag I'm accepted. Is it important that I connect to the 6667 thing? Because it automatically connects me to
* Connecting to irc.esper.net (5555)

Am I doing it right?
I see neither one of you 2 has any dates for tonight either. :eek:
Quote:Originally posted by dvd_master
You picked a perfect night for me, but I wish it'd be at MircX, but I'll find the channel!

Oh, actually I got a question. I regularly connect to the Espernet, and after a lag I'm accepted. Is it important that I connect to the 6667 thing? Because it automatically connects me to
* Connecting to irc.esper.net (5555)

Am I doing it right?

Yes don't worry some IRC servers have multiple ports that you can connect to.. Just after you connect type /join #import-anime and you should be in there.. I won't be seeing any of yea because everything is firewalled hardcore here.. I can't even use a FTP or SSH client..
OK... so I'm a half hour late and there's nobody there.

Sorry if anyone waited for me... I was celebrating Valentines Day with my wife and it lasted longer than I expected.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I kinda missed it by a couple hours.Big Grin
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Actually, as soon as I signed off I went here, so if you had logged on, we would've still been there.

Anyway, it was fun. There was only 4 of us, though.
If anyone ever feels like chatting with me my aim is WolfGirl9901 and im usually on at least several hours a day. ^_^
wolfgirl ayy? ill give it a shot!

btw people shud be out tryin to get laid on valintines day not chattin online, im just pointing this out dont be offended!!! we are all otaku alike and all either pretty sad, anti-social or obsessed to be signing on forums, so we are all in the same boat. god, im modest!
see you space cowboy...
Does anyone want to get on tonight as well around well now to whenever.
Sshhh, i cant here the subtitles
I would have preferred to be in with my wife making whoopie on Valentines Night. Unfortunately, the last fews years have seen whoopie become an annual event for me so I'm going to hang out online like a grumpy old man who isn't getting any.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Hey, Zagatto

You seem to imply that I am stupid because I said animes with unnecessary volence are crap. I still stand by my words and I can justify it to some people whether you call me stupid or not. Besides, if you only believe what you believe, you are even more of a cynic than I. I might disagree with what other say, but I respect others' opinion and NEVER call them stupid (even ones I strongly disagree). Maybe this shows who's the stupid one here?
I'm in chat right now if anyone wants to share words with me.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Oh, by the way, I can definitely support my opinion, since that seems to be an important criterion in determining one's stupidity.

First, we have to distinguish facts from opinion. If someone says 20 Episodes of DBZ were directed by Myazaki, that is wrong because there is only one right answer. He did not direct those episodes, and no arguments can change the fact. On the other hand, if the question was 'Is DBZ a good show?' People can argue all night because there are no right ansewers, only varying opinions are possible.

Now to the central question: What is the worst animes?

This question is clearly asking for people's opinion, not facts since facts do not exist in this case. If you aske that question to thousand different people, you get thousand different answers because there are no right answers. How do you define worst animes? Some people will make decision based on infrequent acton scene, others will based on lack of humor, still others based on presence of annoying chracters, etc. There are infinite reasons why people say certain animes are the worst. What it comes down it is that it is all up to personal preferences and they all have different reasons for picking their personla picks. If I say animes with gratuitous violence are the worst, it is just another criterion among many possible ways of selecting. Who's to say it's wrong? If you don't agree, that's fine, but don't say it's wrong because there is no wrong or right. The question asked for my opinion and I just provided my opinion, not a fact.
"Parallax of suns create geometry of moons unborn Spread the knowledge of the creatures between curious yes and not"

that bit of gibberish sums up my opinion on this matter. I stopped going to IRC long ago because most of the time, the people there would be idling, and staring at a blank screen that says "anyone there?" for any length of time sucks. Which is why i typically keep AIM up for about a week at a time, before I restart (for whatever reason). My SN is kakomat.

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