[Current Trade List] Vicious
Edited to remove Maison Ikkoku which got traded away and to add Steel Angel Kurumi and El Hazard Wanderers.
Saber Marionette J Perfect Collection (FX)
Slam Dunk Part 1 (MI)
Slam Dunk Part 2 (MI)

interested in all these. please check my trade list
Bumperboy, Unfortunately, you don't have anything I'm interested in at the moment. Let me know if you get any new stuff. I especially like R1's and perfect collections.
Edited to change what I'm looking for since I just purchased these sets myself.

Dragon Ball (Mac)
Record of Lodoss War Perfect Collection
Lupin TV series 1st season
Interested in

Steel Angel Kurumi Perfect collection (Mac)
Saber Marionette J Perfect Collection (FX)

I know our last trade was halted due to difficulties on my end, but I'm willing to send first this time.
I actually just completed a trade for that SMJ set. I'm gonna go ahead and remove that off my list now.
Still interested in Steel Angel Kurumi Perfect collection (Mac) and I'm sorta interested in El Hazard Wanderers Perfect Collection (Mac), but I remember you saying you had problems with the discs on AN. Anyway, take a look at my list again and if your interested in a trade PM me.
Yeah I did. It wouldn't work in the more expensive DVD players I have, but I stuck it in a crappy $20 one and it worked perfectly. Go figure.

I'll check your list again, but I don't remember you having anything I wanted at the moment.
I am interested in you Bobop FX
vonhufflepuff, Unfortunately, you don't have anything I'm interested in at the moment.
If it hasn't been traded, I'm interested in Steel Angel Kurumi; unforunately I have nothing to trade... all I got is money. So if you want cash (or a check) for the set PM me and I'll take it off your hands. (name your price)
i'm interested in Cowboy Bebop Perfect Collection (FX)
check my list to see if theres anything you'd like
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
I just checked your list and unfortunately I already own most of the stuff on your trade list.
Edited to remove Steel Angel Kurumi and added Trigun.
Edited to remove Trigun.

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  Vicious Current Trade List Vicious 10 7,176 01-03-2006, 08:25 PM
Last Post: Vicious

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