good FX sets list
Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing and Berserk have never given me any problems.
its mostly just new sets that seem to have the bad disc but i dont think its limited to certain sets as i assume flora just bought a bad batch of discs and they could be in any sets depending on when they were made.
see you space cowboy...
I would tend to agree on that- i bought Hellsing last november and it frezes up on me in a couple of spots on my philips dvd player-( thou it plays fine on the computer-) thou Ive heard the set in general is very good now and has little problems.Smile
I also want to add NOIR to my perfect list- only have a few episodes left- It is one of the few that is really perfect- not a glitch to mention-its also a great seriesSmile
there ya go, my noir set had very dodgy discs, i ordered it about a month ago. looks like my theory is holding so far...
see you space cowboy...
the noir I got a month or two ago is badly mastered. Just like the reviews say on this site. And they are from more than a month ago, the earliest. Methinks he is blind or has a tiny tv.
Quote:Originally posted by napalm68
the noir I got a month or two ago is badly mastered. Just like the reviews say on this site. And they are from more than a month ago, the earliest. Methinks he is blind or has a tiny tv.

I also have NOIR from the first batch sold here at IA. Mine is also perfect and definetly without all the "unwatchable" video on there (BTW I have a 72 cm. widescreen 100 Hz tv.). I've read people bash the video quality of this set over and over again and I can't spot one glitch in the damn thing, and I really paid attention. Now, whats up with this set that one has perfect video and the other has heavy pixelation etc. I don't get it and everytime someone says it has bad video I feel like asking if their blind or forgot to put their glasses on but there are so many people complaining now that I think there are 2 versions from Fx out there.

Anyway, trust me. There are NOIR Fx sets out there with perfect video quality. Why yours doesn't, I don't know but would really like to.
my noir is perfect no pixels no nothing and the sound is perfectly insink:
Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710
Powerdvd 5
Audigy 2 ZS + Megaworks
Geforce 3

P.s. i got the first batch from IA
Well the Noir set is like the old Bebop FX set, some people say they can't notice any problems and some people say the video is shit. I was one of the people who thought the video crap, the problem is definately there its just some people don't notice it as much as others. It'll depend on how picky the person is and their setup. Those who say Noir has great video can you compare it to the video of the older Fx sets (like a year old or more) like Bebop, Trigun, Fushigi Yuugi, Outlaw Star etc... if you can.

Personally I don't own the Noir set but just by looking at the screenshots posted here it looks like crap. Can someone that thinks the Noir set has bad video check out the video bitrate of it and see if it is in CBR or VBR and compare it to the video bitrate of the Noir set of someone who thinks the video is good. Tne we can tell if they are 2 different types of Noir Fx sets floating around.

Anyways, lets differentiate between an authoring problem such pixelation in the video, missing subtitles (more a MAC problem) or out of synch audio and a DVD pressing problem like it won't play at certain part or at all or the video and audio is jumpy. A DVD pressing problem can be corrected with a new batch, an authoring problem requires them to completely remaster the set before reprinting.

My Fruits Basket Perfect works perfectly, not one error.
FLCL Perfect had a slight pause during the layer change, thats it.
well i finished watching it a while ago i can check it later.
El hazard magnificent world is ok, (6.00mbps on average)
Neon Genesis Evangelion was barely OK. There are numerous spots that caused major problems, but if I take the disc out and put it back again, it usually fix the problems.
Hrm... I've got both the old Bebop set and the newer EVA set from FX.
I didn't notice any pixelation on either of them and I'd like to think that I'm fairly picky when it comes to picture quality.

I think that the player you use to view these titles on can make a big difference. When I started watching HK DVDs I was using my PS2 to watch them and had all sorts of picture problems as well as freezing and the system just not recognizing discs.

Then I splurged and spent $350 (only to have it drop to $300 three months later) on a Panasonic 5 disc player. Since then I have only encountered pixelation on videos that have been rips of VCD releases (Naked Blood is the first movie that comes to mind).

I'm guessing that some decoders work better than others at blocking out pixelation. In order to make a valid comparison of this, we would need to get movies made from the same pressing or even mail around the same disc. Then we would be able to see how much difference the player actually makes.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
GTO played flawlessly throughout each disc.
about the Noir set by FX:

There may be a problem with the encoding of the video on this set. At first when I played any of the discs in my PS2 or Xbox (on a standard TV) I got heavy interlacing effects whenever something moved, making it really unwatchable. However, setting the video output to 16:9 the picture was almost perfect (still some pixelation in fast moving scenes). Of course then I had to set my TV display to widescreen also.

Using PowerDVD on my PC there were also no problems. So I guess for people with a widescreen TV or those watching on PC there are no major problems. The only problem seems to be with watching the set in 4:3 letterboxed on a standard TV, but this may also only happen with crappy players like my PS2.
After reading alot of your original posts i have come to this conclusion(not real scientific but what the heck ! )

Their are different pressings of these dvds- some are good others give us problems- for example Berserk and Hellsing both had problems in my dvd players - but most of you had no problems- sounds like a quality control problem in china-

Depends on your DVD player- some will almost play anything- while others give continuous problems- we have some where in the forum a listing of DVD players that give us little or no problems, but there really no way of judjing them them unless we put the same dvd,s threw all of them-like in a control envirnment-( good idea for a Masters thesis, if anyone out their is listening )

I hope this helps anyone who is looking for good FX set- it may also help FX in putting out better quality- Personnally I love the gatefolds they put in their sets- They look better than the original work on the R1s- on another forum where they bash Hk stuff- They repeatedly praise the Art work and look of the packaging - interesting Aay !


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