I have been reading alot of your questions about FX sets, which are good or which DVD player plays them all. My own experience is that most of them have sporatic problems on different players- We have two dvd players , a computer that plays DVD's and my sons X box- some episodes freeze up in one player but works on one of the other players- almost all work fine on the computer- but its a pain because I have one of those thin screens with a small size to it ( 15 or 17 inch )-
But I have run into a few FX titles that play well on either dvd player-
Im really not niave to say these are as perfect as R1's- but a few are pretty close- and alot less exspensive=
So heres my Idea:
how about a list of which FX sets have minor or no problems playing in your DVD player.
The best one so far for me has been -Love Hina ( 3 disc set)- it has neither froze on me or given me alot of problems ( so far- Im only on Episode 21) now finished- no problems-
how about a list of the better FX set ( as far as not locking up- and playing with little problems or none )
My list starts with ---LOVE HINA -3DISC SET
NOIR -3disc set
.I think it's different for everyone, since we all use different players...
But I had no trouble with FX's I My Me Strawberry Eggs
The frequency of problems increased when Flora switched disc-pressing companies and I think it was with the release of FX GTO that people began to notice real problems.
Since then there has been always been at least one person who's had a serious problem with a post-GTO FX release, but as DVD_Master pointed out it's often dependent on the individual's equipment. I've had problems with X TV and Onegai Teacher, but the discs work in at least one of my players although it's a different one in each instance.
It's probably a good idea for anyone with a single standalone DVD player (and who doesn't want to watch on their PC) to be cautious when buying future FX releases.
Anyway, getting back to the topic: I've had no problems at all with Hellsing Perfect Collection and Rurouni Kenshin Perfect OVAs + Movie.
EDIT: After thinking about it, I'm going to include Rurouni Kenshin TV Perfect. There was one error during the first episode of the last disc - it crashed my Xbox, DVD-ROM and Toshiba SD2100, but my Pioneer managed to chug its way through (a 30-second sequence) albeit with severe blockiness.
All those sets have played on a Samsung HT-DM-150 ( this is my worst dvd player refuse a lots of disc)
my"working" fx list:
>Ai Yori Aoshi Perfect Collection
>Angel Links
>Blue Gender
>DNA² TV OVA Perfect Collection
>El Hazard The Ultimate Collection
(i had a problem with a defective disc but the replacement disc was ok )
>Fruits Basket
>Fushigi Yuugi Limited Edition Box Set
>Gatekeepers Perfect TV Collection + OVA
(got a defective disc but the replacement disc was ok )
>Great Teacher Onizuka Perfect Collection (this is the fixed set )
>Love Hina TV - Perfect Collection
>Love Hina ova
>Saber Marionette J and Again Perfect Collection
>Slayers Perfect Complete Collection Box Set
(note that some dvd play smoothly but my dvd player make an "annoying" noise )
My working list:
Ayashi no Ceres
Fushigi Yuugi [all 3 sets]
Gundam 08th MS Team
Gundam 0083
Sailormoon S
Cowboy Bebop
Rurouni Kenshin OAV [Though, there's a disc error at the end of the first DVD during the credits that causes a read-error]
Tenchi Muyo OAV [My GE DVD player rejected DVD 2, but all of my other players play it]
Problem-Free Sets/DVDs(FX) :
Blue Gender
Fruits Basket
Yami No Matsuei
Inuyasha Part I
Kai Doh Maru
Watched on Apex, Momitsu, JVC and Panasonic DVD players. No idea what the models are. Either don't remember or not shown on the players.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
[B]Problem-Free Sets/DVDs(FX) :
Blue Gender
Fruits Basket
Yami No Matsuei
Night Warriors-Darkstalkers Revenge
Inuyasha Part I
Rurouni Kenshin Ltd Ed
Kai Doh Maru [/B]
Night Warriors-Darkstalkers Revenge ??? there's no release from that show from FX ... Isn't that a MAC set ?
Quote:Originally posted by The Swan
Night Warriors-Darkstalkers Revenge ??? there's no release from that show from FX ... Isn't that a MAC set ?
I made a mistake, corrected it. Thx I took out Rurouni Kenshin Ltd Ed Box set because DVD #11 part 22(shown on my 2 dvd players in the room and my roommate's dvd player) is freezing and pixelating. Not really a big prb, but not perfect too.
FX set's with no problems:
Ai Yori Aosh
Blue Gender
Excel Saga
Fruits Basket (Disc 2 was replaced due to error, but fine now)
Gundam 08th MS Team
Inuyasha Pt. 1
Love Hina
Mahormatic Pt. 1
Serial Experiments Lain
FX set's with problems:
Inuyasha Pt. 2 (Disc Three issue, Should get replacement soon)
FX set's unwatched (will update when completed):
Trigun (Waiting for first disc to be sent, sell didn't send discs with gatefold and only sent 2 replacements)
Tenchi Muyo: All 9 Discs
umm gundam 0083 isnt good.. Bad pixalation.
Quote:Originally posted by Doc363
umm gundam 0083 isnt good.. Bad pixalation.
its not talking about the Quality of the DVD's or encoding.. they are just mainly talking about how they work on dvd players..
I have yet to encounter any of the problems people are talking about with FXs releases.
The best thing to do is to read the individual reviews of the titles you are interested in. Hopefully, people who have had problems have posted reviews and if they have, hopefully they've listed the equipment they reviewed on.
I've made sure to post a review of everything I've watched soon after viewing it (I've been known to post "preliminary reviews" and update them once I've completed the series).
I have a Sony player and it has been very good to me.
All of the sets that I have
that I've watched so far work:
Cowboy Bebop
Excel Saga (super nice set, best video quality)
Studio Ghibli Perfect Movies (another super good set)
Vision of Escaflowne (the 3-disc set)
I have been watching the
Rurouni Kenshin limited edition set and I have not encountered any play problems yet, I am on disc 4. I checked disc 11 and 12 where others had said they had problems, but mine is fine. I have done a quick sort of spot check on all the discs and didn't find anything initially and I hope I don't find anything too serious.
I also checked the
Kenshin OVA set and found no errors.
I have the
Record of Lodoss War set, haven't watched the whole thing, but I didn't find any errors on a quick scan of the set.
It seems that we haven't heard from FX for a while now. I wonder what the future holds?? I personally think that in a few months or at least by May or June that things will be fixed and back to the good old days. (except with the current prices...

Ah, see already we have differences. Escaflowne TV didn't work so well in my player.
You also need to factor in different printings. Once that is considered such a list is probably of little use unless ppl know which batch theirs came from or it is a new title which has only had one or two printings.
For example, while Bebop, OStar, Escalfowne have had some problems with a particular batch they are fine right now.