Love Hina
I'm a huge Love Hina fan, but the R1 DVDs are way too costly for me to even think of buying them (at least C$45 each). I've been trying to find a good place to buy the series, but on many sites, I've found a 3-disc set, all-region containing the entire 25 episode series.

I'm new to the import disk thing, so is it possible / probable / likely / certain that this is a HK set?

Also, why are there only 3 discs, while there are 6 R1 discs containing the same episodes? This is confusing me...

Help anyone?
Without a doubt those are HK DVDs. Try looking at the DVD Reviews section and compare the cover to the one you see for the sale.
Quote:Originally posted by someonenamedjf
Also, why are there only 3 discs, while there are 6 R1 discs containing the same episodes? This is confusing me...

Help anyone?

To reduce costs, the HK companies compress anime series into as few discs as possible. So instead of the 4 eps per R1 DVD you'll get around 8 eps or so on the 3-disc HK sets. Naturally, video quality will take a slight hit.

Just remember to find out if the HK set you're buying has the right episode count and you'll be okay. After you've done that then check the number of discs - a higher disc count could mean better video quality or perhaps more extras if available in the original R1 set, e.g. the new MI Perfect Fruits Basket has four discs whilst the FX equivalent has 3.

I happen to have a three disc L.H set. It is very good quality. Disc three manages to cram in both specials as well.

Theres a lot of space on a dvd,you can fit more than 3 eps!
Well, I don't think the R1 discs have fewer episodes for quality reasons... think about it: 6 discs at $20 each or 3 discs at $20 each, which one is going to make more money?

The quality difference between HK and R1 is not going to matter much unless you're very picky and the HK sets available are all fairly reliable. If you're on a budget, I highly reccomend the HK set for Love Hina. Plus, the art is better!
<a href="">Website</a>
Love Hina R1s were on DVD5, 4 episodes each. So you can stick two volumes (8 episodes) on 1 DVD9, get rid of the Bandai trailers and other useless stuff without any compression. The Perfect sets probably had a bit of compressions to fit in the specials but most won't notice a difference between both of them.

Haha, my old, sub only, MI Love Hina set is Godly!
Thanks a lot everyone. I'm a lot less confused. I scoured IA's reviews and selection, and I'm really impressed by HKs in general. Low cost, same series... can't be bad.

Again, thanks.
seriously, you're gonna wonder how you lived without them. REMEMBER to read the review of the dvd set before buying. Thats what makes this site great. Curently i am awaiting an order from here. Nice people
IT just depends, sometimes on the region 1 sets they just go all out. But for price I think the FX sets are worth or or even other HK originals. It's just a lot more viable. IF you have a favorite anime and want the best quality just sspring for the R1 set, like I did for Berserk LoL

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