Saddam Hussein CAPTURED! ;-)
Well for a guy that talked big he sure acted like a coward, i personally think he shouldn't be killed but to be tortured if he dies it will be a waste. Hopefully they might find the WOMD if he had any . Just my 2 cent
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
It just WMD...we leave out the "of".
nebuchadnezzar is from Jewish lore. Granted Christianity and Islam are a stone's throw away from Judaism, it's just a tad different.
The man's insane regardless. I think I did have the wrong name but it's the equivalent I was after.

And don't get me wrong, he totally should die! I have seen the stuff he's done with all the chemicals and stuff. I hope he gets a SLOW and Agonizing death. I just hope we suck him dry with plans and hidden weapons and stuff so we can stop these psycho Jihads from doing more damage.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I just hope we suck him dry with plans and hidden weapons and stuff so we can stop these psycho Jihads from doing more damage.

Jihad is the term for a holy war. Just because idiots like Saddam and Osama throw around the term all the time and misuse it doesn't mean that you have to as well.
Indeed, Vicious. There isn't much talk about a Jihad anymore. Osama had called for one, but after we dropped a few bombs people lost that battle cry.

The only thing Jihad any more are the mice that infest the Military camps in Iraq. These are fanatical mice that aren't scared of anything. It's scary!
I was right about Saddam thinking he's Nebuchadnezzer, except it's Neb the 2nd!!!! Nebuchadnezzer was a REAL person who ruled Babylon (now Iraq) from 605-562 BC!!! If anyone wants to read about Saddam-
or try here
So after a few of you questioned me I thought I'd do some research of my own. I thought for a minute that maybe I did have the wrong name but I was right after all. Next time someone questions me I'll take it as a reinforcement that I'm correct. I'm such a BASTARD!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Indeed, Vicious. There isn't much talk about a Jihad anymore. Osama had called for one, but after we dropped a few bombs people lost that battle cry.

The only thing Jihad any more are the mice that infest the Military camps in Iraq. These are fanatical mice that aren't scared of anything. It's scary!

That's what I'm trying to tell you guys. There was NEVER a Jihad to talk about. they're using the term Jihad for their own purposes. Even if Osama had gone to war, it would not have been a Jihad. there is nothing holy about anything him nor Saddam did.

If the US were to go out and start committing genocide, like Hitler did, except on muslims, then you might have to worry about a holy war starting. This crap about everyone throwing around the term 'Jihad' is just that. And somehow it always gets associated with these terrorist idiots. and thats not the idea behind the term at all. A Jihad has nothing to do with bombing the twin towers or anything like that.

Most people don't know what a Jihad really is. they only know what they hear in the media or from dumbasses like Saddam or Osama. So the term really gets a bad rep and gets thrown around anytime some terrorist idiot does something.

Easiest way I can explain it is if I started throwing around the word Armageddon. It can't be armageddon everyday. Everytime someone shoots someone or bombs something, it's not Armageddon. Nor can 1 guy (except for maybe Bush deciding to Nuke half the planet) start Armageddon by himself because he feels like it. that's basically what you guys and the media keep doing with 'Jihad'. It will only happen once, and it is a 'holy war'. so I hope you guys keep that in mind next time you hear the term 'Jihad' and stop relating it to Saddam, Osama, Iraq, or any other recent current events.
I came in on this one a little too late to get into the argument at hand, but I'm just glad they caught him, so the senseless killings of the innocent can stop. I was against this war, and now that they've caught him the bombings should stop right?
The monkey with the most
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious

Most people don't know what a Jihad really is. they only know what they hear in the media or from dumbasses like Saddam or Osama. So the term really gets a bad rep and gets thrown around anytime some terrorist idiot does something.

- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I agree with all of you, it is just so great that they have caught Saddam! However, I am one of the "few" who still think that no matter how horrendous he was, he had nothing to do with Sep 11.

Let us put our focus back where it should have been all along: Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. This Iraq business was just an excuse for Bush to go on a personal vendetta and none of the reasons that he listed for us to go to war with Iraq were valid or justified. Remember, his sole reason for going to war with Iraq was WMD and the imminent threat Iraq represented against the US. Now, months after the "official" end of the war and after we have caught that murderer, the only thing we can say to comfort ourselves is that Saddam should have been thrown out because he is a criminal. Yet, that was not the reason why we went to war in the first place. There are still NO WMDs, Iraq never represented an IMMINENT threat to us. I am sure that had Bush mentioned that we were going into Iraq to depose Saddam, very few would have ever agreed to the War.

We should have continued to go after Al-Qaeda to make sure we erradicated it. Iraq could have waited after that!

Again, don't let the celebration of a "good deed" detract you from the fact that Bush lied about Iraq.

What did he lie about? The WMD? Don't be so sure about that.
I don't think he lied.. I personally think that he does or had something. The problem is we let him have too much time to cover his tracks to hide it.. You have to understand this country is big and alot of barren land.. They found a mig completly buried in sand.. And it was an Accident they found it.. he has tried to hide military assets.. He was found having missles that he was suppose to have gotten ride of.. still they are not WMD's but he had lied.. but no one cared about that.

Also he has not only took all the money his country was making for his personal gain and let his people suffer.. i really don't care if they ever find them or not.. but i think alot of stuff will start turning up now that he is captured because people won't be afraid to give information over.. Also i am here right now on Iraq soil.. i am at a base called Balad SouthEast which was abandoned in 1991.. But i still have to be careful where i go because there are land mines placed on this base..

I am glad that they caught him and i am even more glad that we did go to war and oust him.. We should of done that all the way back in 1991. He should of never been left in power.. and i am sure some way some form he has helped Osama more then once.. but then those are my Opinions not facts on the last part..

Cheers from Iraq..
I wish you hadn't said that.Sad
bates lites boots are tempting to wear for desert wear... those breathe through jungle boots while comfy and good for the clime, will be more susceptible to shrapnels, etc.

its sad, but... if you can get STEEL TOE BOOTS... and thick heel materials soled in [VIBRAM]... it's be good precautionary measures...
are you freezing at night schultz? Big Grin keeps the evil haji's away hehe
Never is ever forever...

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