Battle Royale!
I watched this movie a few days ago and feel like watching again already. That almost never happens to me so I thought I would give this movie a HUGE plug in here.

The premise is pretty weak (a law is passed that makes one graduating class in Japan fight each other to the death on a deserted island). Fortunately, the movie doesn't spend too much time trying to justify itself.

The strengths of this movie lay in the excellent direction and acting that takes place throughout the movie. The actors playing kids are all very believable and react like high school students who've just been told that they have to kill each other. The cinematography was done by someone with a clear vision and they did an excellent job of making it happen.

Yes... this movie is gory. There are a number of very graphic deaths shown on screen. However, this is not the strength of the movie. The fact that the movie gets inside the heads of many different characters and leaves the viewer hanging on till the end to see what is going to happen with why you should see this.

The only reason NOT to see this movie is if you are strongly opposed to violence on screen. Other than that, this movie should be in your collection.

Says me.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
battle royale 2 comes out on dvd 12th of december if you're interested Smile

if you goto now, you can get a mandarin vcd for $5 if you're that itching to see it Smile
its been out here for a while now, l was lucky enough to see the film in the cinema, although a shitty arthouse one
I'm actually not that excited at the prospect of a sequel to this movie. I still believe that the movie is founded on a very weak premise and it is only the quality of acting and direction that makes the first BR worth watching. I would be amazed to find that same level of quality in a sequel.

This post was actually a big plug for people who haven't seen the movie yet and for people to realize that JJ currently has the special edition in stock. I can think of many worse ways to spend your $7 than buying this DVD.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Wasn't there a manga of the same title?
I was going to ask this before, but never got around to it.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Yeah, Tokyopop released it. It's rather M, 18+ only, so it's wrapped in plastic. heh.
The premise is weak in the movie as they altered the events from the original novel and some parts of it do not flow very well. But hey.. it's the violence we care about. :p
Yeah... I like the violence too but what really impressed me was that the characters had some sort of depth to them.
I found this to be much better than your typical slasher flick.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
i jus ordered the dvd on ebay because i saw it on adam and joe go tokyo episode. it hope its really goodSmile
Of the 4 stores I've been in that sold BR manga, none of their copies were wrapped in plastic.
adam and joe go tokyo Smile Big Grin

had the film for about 2 years... got it at hmv Smile in a sale
got mine for free!!Wink
Try the book that started it all. It's better than the movie and the manga put together. The story is a bit different, but they have the time to get inside the characters' heads about what's happening to them and what they're going to do about it. The characterization is fantastic.

Quote:Originally posted by cowboy_ed
Try the book that started it all. It's better than the movie and the manga put together. The story is a bit different, but they have the time to get inside the characters' heads about what's happening to them and what they're going to do about it. The characterization is fantastic.


Yeah, the characters were fairly well developed and interesting for the type of movie that it is. And c'mon you gotta love Chiaka Kuriyama! Beat Takeshi is cool in it as well.

B/R also shows a darker side of human nature, and poses the question how far people will go to survive. So it's interesting to see friend betraying each other, etc.
Yah the book is way better. I couldn't stand what they did kazouo. In the book he has no emotions and it goes deeper than that. He was a much more interesting character. Instead they turn him into some who transfered because who wants to kill people so he joins up. Kitano's performance was gold though. Much better than the novel's one. He was hysterical it's one of my favorite performances of his. It's worth watching just for that. I was disapointed by the movie. They took an amazing book and turned it into 2 hours of kids shooting each other. Still enjoyable, but nowhere near the book's quality.

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