Your first Anime?
When, where, how, and what was your initialization into the world of anime?
A side question, how long before you turned to the dark side (anime) from the good (what your parents would like you to watch, Disney etc.)?
The work which becomes a new genre itself will be called.... Cowboy Bebop
I saw the Guyver on TV about 10 years ago. I loved it but thought of it as just another animated show, no idea that there was an anime market or how big it was.
Then about 8 years ago I borrowed Ninja Scroll and loved it as well but didn't do any research on where it came from or if there is more like this. Another couple of years passed and then DBZ came on TV. I was hooked instantly, couldn't sleep because I wanted to know what came next. The network had this idea to milk it for all it's worth so they started over at ep.1 after every saga so they showed all of DBZ (1 ep. per day) over the course of 3/4 years. I hated waiting six months for a new saga so I had a friend download it all. On the download sites there were all kinds of links about other anime and a whole new world opened it's doors to me.

Your side question isn't really relevent to me because I still enjoy the Disney stuff and not all anime belongs to the dark side (pokemon etc.) plus my parents never had any influence on what I watched when I lived at home.

That's my anime biografie...
my first enlightenment to the great world of anime was when i caught akira on bbc2, in the early hours of the morning about 8 years ago. after that i never looked back!
see you space cowboy...
Well if you call it anime the first one that I really watched was Pokemon about 5 or so years ago. I was bored sitting in my college dorm fliping through channels on the bube tube, and just came to it and stoped and watched it. I think what grabed me the most about it was the animation style. A few days after that I came accross Dragon Ball Z on TV. I watched both of them for quite some time. After I believe it was the Orange leagues I got bored of Pokemon though, so I don't watch that anymore. However All the time I was recording Dragonball Z on VHS tapes, and now I have most episodes on recorded VHS. About a year ago I started to collect the real thing in Dragonball Z Tapes and DVDs, now I have quite a few of each. All toghther I'm missing 2 movies, The Cell Games Saga, 2 tapes from Perfect Cell, and 4 tapes from Frieza Saga. I made a plan though and I'm not stoping until I reach it, and that is to collect every single Tape Edited and Unedited and also every DVD there is in Dragonball Z. The same goes for Dragonball GT also, however since they stoped production on Dragonball VHS I'm just going to colloct all the DVDs of that. Now back to the topic a while back Sideswipe gave me the web address to here and a few other HKDVD places, until recently I just browsed around them every once in a while. Back when .hack infection came out for the PS2 my wife watched that and she loved it, so we started collecting the .hack//sign series. a cople of months ago then we bought the entire R1 VHS tape series of Ranma 1/2 and watched it, ever since then we have been wanting to get into any anime possible R1 and HK.
[Image: gametz-ad6.gif]
Robotech + Macross and guyver for me about 8 years ago and Spawn aswell good old Bravo and ScifiChannel.
I guess the first ones I saw were Gatchaman, Voltron, or Macross but that was back when most of us little kids didn't even know what anime was...they were just bad ass saturday morning cartoons full of mecha stuff and kick ass fight scenes...for the time that is. But I guess the one that brought me into the fold would have to be Ranma. And now my wallet is empty all the time because of that pig tailed girl.
Vampire Hunter D. Since then I have loved anime.Big Grin
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The first animations i watched were animes so non anime never really interested me much except for dungeons & dragons, thundercats, mysterious cities of gold etc. Even then i only watched them when i ran out of anime. I was kind of spoilt as we knew someone with a video rental store.

My first anime memories are Doraemon, Obake No Qtaro and such... i still love them. Big Grin
well i would have to say when my friend brain washed me with anime and ... then i just had to keep goin and goin but the 1st one i really say was robo tec
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
My son and i got up early ( quite a few years ago ) and watched akira and a few other gems on ( I think it was ) the scifi channel- we did not know even what anime was, it took us along time to even find out it was from Japan and it was called Anime- at that time you could only buy them on VHS and they cost over 30 bucks a pop - our local stores would not even order them because they were a special order and out of the norm ! then About 4-5 years ago we found Akira at a Kmart ( reissued ) for about 20 bucks on DVD and i think thats what turned on the light for me , and it was very hard to even see Anime without blindly ordering them and taking your chances- that it would be a complete piece of S---.
Since then there are review sites by the score , like the one here at Import Anime ( my favorite anime place )
First anime movie was fist of the north start around 10 years ago, closely followed by the guyver series. Which I still haven't seen the last two episodes of!! Nobody stocked it and almost 10 years later, it's still an itch i need to stratch. hmm...
My first exposure to anime was back when I was a little kid watching a show called Robotech. I didn't know it was from Japan , all i knew was that it was cool. Around 1991 I was at a video store and ran into some Robotech VHS taes. I bought them and it brought all those warm fuzzy memories again. Then I started watching all the ADV and streamline tapes that were available at the time. I would just rent them and tape them for myself since it was so expensive to buy them. Eversince then I have been hooked big time!!!
[Image: diff1.jpg]
I think my first dabble into the Anime world was Transformers: The Movie. The movie, i think, was animated by TOEI (DBZ). I think I was 6 or 7. I didn't know it was anime, or that it was animated in japan. I just thought there was more effort because it was a movie. Then i started to get into it again in middle school, when shows like DBZ and Gundam Wing were becoming popular. GUndam Wing stole my heart, and now I am a huge Gundam and all-around mecha anime fan. And whodathunk it would begin with the epid battle between the Autobots and Decepticons.
"It's never too late to be early."
I think I posted something like this a LONG time ago so I'll just go back to my original post, cut and paste it and you shall find out my story...
Speed Racer and Astro Boy.

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