Drunk Q!!!!11
all it is is just stereo type... i was am a russian and I used to tolorate alcohol pretty well... havent been drinking much lately at all so I get a buzz after 2 beers

so the point is, doesnt matter where u are from, there is no "alcohol tolerance gene" thats only in europe, you drink u get used to it... and u dont need to drink for ages in order to build up a tolarence, drink every day little bit for a monday and u will do pretty good agaist any alcoholic out there.
drink every day, and you'll become an alcoholic.
Dude my alcohol tolerance gets lower as I get older, I don't drink as much as I use to, but when I do drink now it doesn't take as much. That is probably because when I was 20 I use to work at a distillery where we made bouron whiskey, and take swigs out of the barrel. There is nothing that says rotgut more than 160 proof whiskey, what the hell was I thinking?
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I've only been drunk once in my life. That was this summer at the beach when my uncle gave me some stuff while my parents were out. I spent the night on his couch and then hobbled back to my condo arounf 8 the next morning.:p
The monkey with the most
im irish i can drink like a fuckin legend, yeeha!
see you space cowboy...
the Irish stereotype was a bit unfounded until less than 10 years ago when drinking suddenly rose in Ireland. I was reading a report on it in the Economist that said that they aren't sure how the stereotype originated.
the irish arent alocholics but they do drink more alcohol than most other countries in the world, considering theres only 3.5 million people here, thats pretty good (or bad for the liver)
see you space cowboy...
That's the point I was trying to make. They DIDN'T used to drink as much as they do now. 10 years ago, they drank far less than many other countries like Britain and Germany.
I have to vouch for Sanosuke, on a trip to Ireland I did learn that those MFr's can drink. I was put down by two ladies, I just couldn't hang.
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there are girls than can drink me under the table here, that doesn't mean all girls can drink me under the table, just like your story doesn't mean all Irish can...or even a majority...
give me a jack and coke and i would be ya best friend for life thats the way i always get my stuff from my famliy Big Grin Big Grin that and my cigg's

o an i would have waited to ill she was asleep to fuck her
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

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Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
there are girls than can drink me under the table here, that doesn't mean all girls can drink me under the table, just like your story doesn't mean all Irish can...or even a majority...

I never said they all could, but the ones I was around with could. Sure its just a stereotype. I'm sure it had to originate somewhere though, but really who gives a shit who can drink more than who? As long as you get your kicks be happy!!
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Quote:Originally posted by Ngckld
o an i would have waited to ill she was asleep to fuck her

I now think less of you than I did before. I think Kak was right to not take advantange of the girl like that. Shame on you for even putting that on this board you evil little boy:mad:
The monkey with the most
I'm under the impression that taking advantage of her would be considered, you know, rape. Also, she has a boyfriend and we're really good friends, so we've already signed a lease to live with each other next year. All of this would ammount to one big bad idea.
indeed the irish sterotype does have origin as well as truth. basically the irish were always (as in past 200 years) heavy drinkers, not particularly heavy but heavy compared to everyone else. internationally word got round about this due to irish scholars, which were considered to be some of the best in the world. the problem was that most irish scholars were upper-class snobs who looked down upon the lower classes and their habbits (a lá drinking). the writings and opinions of these scholars greatly exaggerated how much the irish drank and a sterotype was born, but indeed the irish have always drank quite abit.

*also alcohol was irelands 2rd biggest export before the industryal revolution, therefore many would associate ireland with drinking

as for the rape situation, taking advantage of someone isnt raping them, they are both completely different things, although they are both the wrong thing to do (some more wrong than others). i respect kakomu for doing the right thing and i would expect any other young male to do the same (even GTO)

and lay off ngckld, the guys got a dickhes gotta use it. although im sure he wasnt sincere about what he said, and if he is then fair play, as long as it aint my sister!
see you space cowboy...

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