Band Geek
Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
um.. no. Real punk bands don't suck at all. :p

As opposed to the fake punk bands?
as in bands like sum 41 and all that crap they play all over the radio and call punk.
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
There really is no sub-genre of punk. YOu can divide it into good and shit, but I find that more often than not, punk bands are just harsh, abrasive and unmelodic. More often than not I can really dog that, but punk music really has no merit to it. I love the occasional NoFx and Rancid song, but only half of their CDs are really good, the rest is utter crap that sounds like it was slapped together in less than an hour (I know my friend and I would write a bunch of easy songs that could have been on those albums and we really spent very little time on it).

2nd, the whole counter-culture = hot thing sounds really stupid. "Punk boiz r hotties", just like "Avril lavigne is Real rock, not some poser, she's out there and for REAL!!!!". *cringes*.

Lastly, just because a band gets a bunch of airplay, that automatically strips them of their punk status? It's like going to and finding Beethoven listed under punk (yes, he is). It's like hating a band solely because they're able to make a living and subsidize their living through their music. There is a reason why indie bands stay indie, and that typically is because they suck, same with many punk bands. They just plain suck. They can't come up with something original, melodic, harmonies or whatnot (don't believe punk can be harmonic and melodic? Listen to the pixies and you'll see).

Edit: No, I haven't gotten any sleep since my last post on the Insomniac thread.
I never said that "just" because you are getting your shit played on the radio that you are no longer punk.
Sum 41 is a pop band along with a bunch of other bands that have been labled punk. Punk can be divided into sub-genres. And those don't just break down into "good and shit."
I really thought about taking the time to explain this to you, then I noticed that your examples of punk were nofx, rancid, and the pixies. Please get a fucking clue before you start slamming something you don't seem to have any kind of clue on. I am not in any way saying that these bands aren't punk, but you can't use them to compare punk music as a whole.
Also to your "There is a reason why indie bands stay indie, and that typically is because they suck" maybe you should learn what indie rock is and you will find that there more than a few pretty popular bands that are still Indie and not have gone to the pop sound.
Pop is not punk.
And I hope you are not trying to call me out with this little gem...."Punk boiz r hotties"
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
ok now a reall band is liqafly my band i run sound for
Big Grin now that is a real band
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
I didn't think a thread about my geekiness could turn into an all out war. I like all kinds of music, but i dress punk because it's kinda laid back and edgy at the same time. I really don't put a genre on the music I listen to though.
The monkey with the most
This is not a war. I may have come off a little too harsh, but that's just the way I am.
I also listen to all kinds of music, Punk just happens to be my favorite. Wink
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
I didn't think a thread about my geekiness could turn into an all out war. I like all kinds of music, but i dress punk because it's kinda laid back and edgy at the same time. I really don't put a genre on the music I listen to though.

Very mature statement Lonely, I agree with what you say about not putting a genre on the music people listen to. I listen to all types of music and I am old enough to tell anyone to fuck-off if they think it sucks. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
then I noticed that your examples of punk were nofx, rancid, and the pixies.

Then please enlighten me, o guru of punk. What genre does these three fit into?

As far as I can tell, it's a fairly wide range of punk, and not the same verse chorus verse sludge most other punk bands churn with their wide brazen and abrasive lyrics on being anti-norm.

In the end, what do YOU consider a punk band? hm?
Did you even read my post?
Here is what I said.............. "I am not in any way saying that these bands aren't punk, but you can't use them to compare punk music as a whole."
And what I consider a punk band is a band like Against Me!
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
I'm going to see Against Me Dec. 10!!! SOrry that just fit in here somewhere.
The monkey with the most
I took a sec to look them up on the All Music Guide. Looks like there just a tad bit more underground for me to have ever really heard them. Reminds me of the last punk show I went to. A friend of mine from high school asked me about going, so him and I, plus 3 other people went to this show. The bands were awful. You might just insult my taste in music (you don't know punk). I know punk, and have been into punk for long enough. THese bands had the most simpistic songs, no technical merit, no musical or lyrical merit. Just 3 or 4 kids banging out bad songs really loudly. If that's what the true essence of punk, then I still think it sucks. At least the 3 bands I mentioned have really good singing, good guitar players and will have melodic and harmonious singing.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
If that's what the true essence of punk, then I still think it sucks. At least the 3 bands I mentioned have really good singing, good guitar players and will have melodic and harmonious singing.

hahaha. NoFx melodic and harmonious. even the hard core nofx fans would laugh at that.
And I am sorry to tell you but that is exactly the "true essence" of punk.
Ok so I don't really care at all what you listen to. I don't need to insult your taste in music. You just keep on thinking you know all about punk and I'll keep my mouth shut. And as for the sub-genres of punk here are some:
Just to name a few.
And it's also pretty funny that Against Me! is too underground for you, yet lonely knew who they were right off. Perhaps that's because she "Knows" punk. LOL
But, I guess we'll just never see eye to eye on this. So lets just drop it and pretend we all love that same things. And I'll stop being a punk snob. Wink
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
who c ares about punk rock when you could have death mettel and look like a goth like me Big Grin
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool

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