Your FIRST anime?
Yeah Battle Angel was a good anime. The Japanese made a game for Battle Angel for the PS1 though it was kinda of cheesy and I couldn't get too far since I can't read Japanese lol, I thought it was a fighting game, but it was more like an Resident Evil type of game. I don't think they ever released it in the U.S. I bought a bunch of import games from Vietnam when I was over there. I actually had a version of Final Fantasy 7 like 2 or 3 months before it was released in the U.S., though everything was in Japanese. It was just one of those releases that everyone that liked RPGs wanted, and I was just like..look..look..I have the Japanese version. Problem is I realized I needed an adaptor to even play it lol. I found one but took 2 weeks to get to my house...those were the longest two weeks...There was another game called Panzer Bandit that was a side scroller game kind of like Final was so much fun lol.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
I just finished the first anime series I ever watched. It all began with Ranma 1/2, which I thought was incredibly funny. While waiting for additional seasons to be released, I've also watched all of cowboy bebop, and also started Sugar Fairies, Fruits Basket (just started today) and Inu Yasha. But, this morning, I just watched the final episode of Ranma 1/2 and I was so upset I screamed and had a two year old temper tantrum. I was very depressed that it ended that way!
Vicserr did you watch mazinger z in spanish,that dubb is so funny.
i also used to watch tekkaman in spanish(they had more eps than came out here in the u.s)dbz is what got me into anime,the best show
theres nothing in this world to believe in
My first exposure to anime was on a saturday morning ( I think it may of been on the sci fi channel - dont really remember ) but every saturday morning- real early they use to have anime- I think Akira was one of the first-- Wish they did that again , theres not alot on TV any more unless you stay up real late at night on the cartoon network. and watch the stuff youve seen a million times ( but love ) wish we had a channel where I live where anime was regularSmile

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