I was curious to see what were other peoples first exposure to anime. Not just the first they ever saw, but the first that made such an impact that they knew they'd ALWAYS be a fan- especially of that series.
For me it was a program called "FORCE FIVE". This was a show on HBO (in NYC anyway) that aired around '81 or '82. It was English dubbed episodes of what was then collectively called "Shogun Warriors": Dangaurd Ace, Grandizer, Gaiking and Starvengers (renamed Spaceketeers). I was hooked as soon as I saw it, running home after school to catch it with my friends, covering my notebooks in doodles of them, to buying the comics and toys, to dressing like them on Halloween (if any of you older guys remember the old Ben Cooper costumes). I still collect Super Robot stuff to this day.
Well I guess the first anime that I knew was ANIME would have been Ranma 1/2. It was so Awesome I had to see more!!!
My first Anime would have to be a tie between Sailor Moon and Record of Loddess Wars...My brother was really into Anime and I don't remember which we watched first.
My Anime cherry was popped with Either Ninja Scroll or Black Magic M66. I can't remember which tho.
It would have to be Robotech (Macross) and Macron 1...I think I was 6 when I saw both series.
Guess it was "Alps no Heidi", but back then I didn't know about anime. The thing that really brought me to anime ages later was "Evangelion". It was aired on German TV. They put several eps together and made 2 hour features of them and aired them on Mondays at midnight. Watched the first one by accident, zapping around the programs.
I remember when I was six or so and first watched Speed Racer. I loved the car designs and all the action in it and couldn't wait to see the next episode (we still had a black and white TV at this point in my life).
Then the next series I couldn't wait to see every day after school was StarBlazers. What a great show. Better than GI Joe or He-Man any day.
I think the first tape I actually bought though was Robotech.... I think...
Well, that's a hard one. I used to watch Anime, such as DB/Z & Sailor Moon which I loved to watch every chance I got, back then I was 7 years old or so, & didn't know what anime was until I started watching DBZ on CN when I was about 10 or 11. I over heard one kid at school talking about Dragon Ball Z, so of course with in the next few days I moved closer & finally asked him about it. I found out the time it came on, then at home fought for the remote, which was difficult because that was the time that my mom & sister watched Golden Girls.
I was born in Peru so I got to watch stuff like Marco, Captain Harlock, Lupin, Astro Boy, but my favorite was always Kimba the White Lion.
Born in Puerto Rico, my first one was Mazinger Z, then followed with 'Nave Espacial'(Space Battleship Yamato), Battle of the Planets, 'Capitan Raimar Pirata del Espacio' (Space Pirate Captain Harlock) along others
So my taste run a little more old school that other ppl on the board

Yo Mazinger Z was the bomb man!!
Mine was Kenshin under the name Samurai X(not in USA) but they stoped the show so when i came over here i bought my first HK which was it since then i am hooked
I believe I watched a couple of animes since I was 12 but the one which really got me into Anime is Vampire Princess Miyu. Dark, sad yet good stories. That's what really got me hooked.
For me it was The Guyver. They showed it on tv about 15 years ago and I really liked the style. I heard about anime from reports on tv but they were always about the tentacle animation and how sick the Japanese are (I know better now

). Then Ninja Scroll came on my path and I was hooked on it. I searched around for more movies but only found GitS and Akira which I didn't think were as good as Ninja Scroll. I forgot about anime until Dragonballz was aired about three years ago and anime got really populair and I started to learn about everything else out there. I got my first HKDVD from amazon marketplace and was VERRY happy to find an cheaper alternative to my new but expensive hobby. Still costs me alot of money though, HKDVD's are an addiction

well my first anime i wached was Robotech or tenchi i think