What's Your B-Day???
Big 26? lol..oh man I've never heard anyone say "I have a long way to go before I reach the big 26" lol. Man it's usually the big 40 or 50.....man and I thought the Depends crack was just a joke....lol
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
When you are 16, being 26 seems like a long way away. I know that's what I thought when I was that age, though I'm only 5 years away from that now.

Lonely, you're a little younger than my sis! :eek:
Enjoy being the youngest, it doesn't last very long.
Ill be in my 20s in less than 3 months. Personally, I'm sad that I'm leaving my teens.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Good thing you clarified, I was just about to ask who the hell you were calling babies...and if you were even old enough to be on the computer without adult supervision.

...I guess I'm just in the middle of the pile...

Hehehehh.......told ya.....fingers not obeying the mind. Smile Reading this thread sure does me feel SOOOO OOOOoooOOLLLLLlllllDDDddddd!!!! To think that when I was young, I want to grow up fast, but now, dohzz!! I wish I'm forever 18! Hahahahaah Big Grin *SOBS*
March 7, 1979. Year of the Goat (I'm an earth goat).
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
When you are 16, being 26 seems like a long way away. I know that's what I thought when I was that age, though I'm only 5 years away from that now.

Lonely, you're a little younger than my sis! :eek:
Enjoy being the youngest, it doesn't last very long.

Yeah, have as much fun as you can while you're that age. I know it sounds cliche, but time really does fly by pretty quick. I had a lot of fun in high school...then fun in college...I'm still having fun now...it just doesn't seem like you have as much time to do it at this point in life.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
OK... all you pups can quit talking about being the geezer of the group. I've been watching anime longer than any of you have been alive. I was born June 7, (another gemini ) 1970 (another Dog ) and I can remember watching Speed Racer on TV as early as '76.

A good rule of thumb for dating is to not date anyone who is less than half your age plus seven (so if you're 26 that would be 13+7=20). This would mean that dating starts at 14 (which sounds reasonable to me) and as you age, the age range grows larger if not younger).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
OK... all you pups can quit talking about being the geezer of the group. I've been watching anime longer than any of you have been alive.

lol~ ^^; ..

I was born on May 29, 1987 (Hence, the name May? ^^; ..) .. Year of the Rabbit .. Gemini ^_^ .. and 33 doesn't sound "geezer-ish" Wink .. (is that a word? :confused: .. Let's just pretend it is)
Sweet, someone else my age aroud here. I'm still the youngest though, where are the little kids???Big Grin
The monkey with the most
Man Zagatto
Quote: good rule of thumb for dating is to not date anyone who is less than half your age plus seven (so if you're 26 that would be 13+7=20). This would mean that dating starts at 14 (which sounds reasonable to me) and as you age, the age range grows larger if not younger).

If this is true how do I fit in to it... I'm 24 for and my Wife (to be) is 34...
as for all the young people. Look you are who we are after by pulling you into anime we hope to infect a whole new generation of anime addicts... Ha Ha (evil Mojo Jojo laugh)
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Man Zagatto

If this is true how do I fit in to it... I'm 24 for and my Wife (to be) is 34...

You've got a perfect fit. 34/2=17+7=24. Any younger and you two would make an awkward couple. Seeing that you're getting married, it must be love.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Damn...you guys are making me feel old. I was born on July 7 1977(7/7/77!!!<---ALL SEVENS!!!)I'm now 26 and it's kind of scary that I'll be 30 soon. A 30 year old man watching cartoons...*sobs*. Hopefully when I'm old and wrinkled I'll be one of those little old guys that runs around stealing girls panties like Ranmas Grandfather.
[Image: diff1.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by OtakuMonster
Damn...you guys are making me feel old. I was born on July 7 1977(7/7/77!!!<---ALL SEVENS!!!)I'm now 26 and it's kind of scary that I'll be 30 soon. A 30 year old man watching cartoons...*sobs*. Hopefully when I'm old and wrinkled I'll be one of those little old guys that runs around stealing girls panties like Ranmas Grandfather.

Or master Roshi
my 21st b-day is 04.04.04
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
OtakuMonster if you want I'll call you Hapoi-sai... just make sure to take only the Victora Secrect line of undergarments... How nice life would be if some things were like anime
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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