What's Your B-Day???
This has been done before but with all these newbies that are here I thought it'd be fun to ask it again!

I am 22 born on June 5th 1981 on a Friday night! I think it was 8:30 something PM!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
May 30th 1981. Born 6am. Hehe, you can call me sempai Dark.

Well I didn't know what day of the week I was born on before but if you were born on a Friday that means I was born Saturday morining
I am 21, born on July 27, 1982 at 2039 (8:39 at night).

Couldn't tell you what day of the week...I think it was a Tuesday.
Hehe cool!! I had a friend a long time ago who was born on June 3rd 1981...just 2 days older. Funny how I know a lot of people who's birthday is less than a week before mine.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
19 years old. Born November 23rd 1983. So I'll be 20 in < 3 months.

I'm a sagittarius Big Grin. I can't remember what day/time I was born at. I'm also told that my B-Day is the same as my Girlfriend's mom's B-Day.
I'm a Gemini. That's a good I dea too...What's your sign eveyone??!?!??
I'm also a Rooster on the Chinese Zodiac. Me Matthew and Kakoi and some others are all Cocks!!! Futare Chin-Wa!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I was born on June 2 1979. hehe we all seem to have around the same birthday..
I am a Leo...Schultz is a Gemini...
As far as the Chinese Zodiac, I am a Dog.

*The chinese zodiac is in no way indiciative of my looks
March 14th, 1978 at 2:40pm
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
April 21st 1979... Tauraus Aries Cusp...
Hmm B-day's I just love them it's a time you get to buy
things for no other reason but to buy them. Just love em
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
I was born on September 18, 1981 on a wednesday the time was 6:36 PM. I am a Virgo/Rooster (if you want an even more in depth look, I am a Virgo III with a rising sun sign of Pisces). There certainly are some cocks on this board.Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
June 5, 1976. Gemini. Year of the Dragon.

All of you can call me sempai. Cool
I was born April 27, 1978. I'm a Taurus and born under the Year of the Horse.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
Year of the boar/pig...
I'm the young one here i take it....November 15, 1987. Day/time don't know exactly, But i'm a Scorpio born in the year of the rabbit. I get my license in 2 months and 13 daysBig Grin
The monkey with the most

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