Well, time for me to jump in, sinds this topic is overrun by some die hard R1 buyers/lovers (steve?

). Most HK buyers don't even bother posting in topic's like these, for this reason alone ... They are fed up with people like that trying to stuff a guild trip up there ass ...
Why do I buy HK DVD's ... for one reason alone: PRICE!!!
I'm your average person, I'm not some nut who thinks "we need to support R1 company's", while those same company's STILL have a fucking 3 a 4 eps / dvd release rate. And DON'T you DARE bullshit use that it's not true, take a freaking look at the DVD releases lists (running time).
232 Releases Total:
152 release are 4 eps or less / dvd ( 61 dvd with 3 eps, 68 with 4 eps, 31 who i'm not sure of ( between 3 & 4 eps time)).
28 are 5 eps / dvd
22 are 6 eps / dvd
30 are box sets containing those dvd's ( I've counted all releases 200+min as box sets ).
This is ofcourse not counting several title's like Initial D who have dual releases ( 3 eps dub / 3 eps dubbed, who they advertise as 150min but are in reality 75 min).
66% of this & next years releases are 4 eps or less / dvd ...
Hmmmmm ... What??? Don't like the nr's ... you can check them yourselves...
They can pack 7 eps / dvd widout any compression loss, why don't they do that... easy .. it's better to milk the customers ...
Not lets NOT get started with price's he ... O yea, there are some sweet deals, IF you can find them.
These deal's in general are:
1. Useless for European/Asian/African buyers who have high transport costs & custom ( lets see if you like a 21% + 3.5% extra cost on your product + about a 20% transport price ).
2. A lot of those deals are only for US buyers sinds a lot of those shops with the mega deals are US based (sorry, ALL of them).
Shure, those deals are good is you are a US customer, but for the rest of the world, forget it (unless you are loaded with money, but then again, then price doesn't matter) ...
Now where does that leave the rest of the world, they depend on some R2 company's who are also milking the crap out of the releases (and who are in several cases only dubbed in the local language or subbed in that language, so even IF lets say a German company releases a good set, widout English subs, you are nothing with it in the nederlands, Belgium, France etc. (the surrounding country's)). O yea, 25 Euro / dvd are normal price's here, and if you think there is a lot of choice, forget it baby ... thanks to the splintered country language's (and the daim US company's of holding the English subed rights), making Anime a hard thing to get ...
Let's compare a general buying price ... you all heared the math, here it's again ... 25 eps serie:
HK: 3 dvd ( 9/8/8 ) * 10$ ( standard price of good HK shops - note the bigger one's now even sell at 8$) = 30$
R1: 6 dvd's ( 5/4/4/4/4/4 ) * 25$ (again, I'm generous with the price who is not uncommon at 29$ and dvd sets of 7 for 25 eps ) = 150$
Hmmmm ... 30$ ... 150$ ...
And I'm not using my own buying price's who range from 7$ (FX) to 4.5$ ( MAC/AC/MI ), you can get those price's with ease.
Shure, there are always exception's to the rule ... I love it when people come of with "why do you buy bootlegs, xxx title over here is not so expensive like what you claim" ... I just love it ... But they always forget they are talking about exception's or set's that are expensive to buy & even more to import.
Also, this argument that every HK dvd you buy, is one less R1 sold. ROFL ... I love they way some people think ( or are brainwashed ) like the RIAA ... "o wait, xxx HK dvd's are soled, so that's xxx legal dvd's less soled, so that's xxx * 25$ = xxx$ loss for the industries". Bullshit!! Thats called creative calculating (and thinking), making things look worse/bader then they are. Ofcourse they forget that the xxx HK are 5* cheaper then the legal stuff, and they also forget that widout those HK a lot of people won't bother buying dvd's, and again, they also forget, that there are HK dvd buyers who buy them, and then buy the R1's thanks to the HK dvd's ... but helase, who am I to say all this .. I'm a antichrist ... a sinner ... yes, I buy HK dvd's, do I need to feel bad about it, nowp, I don't give a crap how I need to feel about, so do all people. I'm in it for the cheap price's, just like every freaking person on this planet and I don't give a rats ass about the R1 Company's, they won't make a buck out of me now, and they won't even if they reduce HK dvd production to 0.
Now these are the facts of life, you don't like them, then get your sorry ass of this board, and go complain in the legal forum's how bad those HK dvd buyers are

and leave us the crap alone ... you don't see us preaching on the legal forum's how you r1 buyers need to be ashamed of yourselves for getting ripped off ...
End of the case for me ... Jesus, how I hate topic's like these (and even more how the same topic in mirror on a legal forum will get your ass banned for speaking the 'HK dvd' word - Looks like those HK dvd forum's are to nice to people

I'm off to bed ... you don't like what I say, fine, I don't what you (general) say in regards. Then stop attacking people or trying to change people there mind, you guy's are like a bunch of religion fanatics ... we don't want your religion here ...