Why Buy Hk?
as for sailor moon R1, it is out, the first series that is, uncut, subbed, no dubs, all for 90 dollars at bestbuy. I think it's 6 or 8 discs.. not sure.. with 6 eps per disc.
My Sailor Moon set should come in the mail any day.. I paid 80 something from dvdsoon.com. I don't have much to add to this neverending debate.. I buy hk stuff because it's cheap, as JJ says. If I can get a perfect HK release, chances are I'm not gonna buy the R1 stuff. Do I feel bad about it? Sometimes. But I support a family and the less money I spend on anime the more I have for essentials. That doesn't stop me from paying exorbitant amounts of money on stuff like Macross and Urusei Yatsura R1, or Kimagure Orange Road, the Sailor Moon uncut boxes, or the Utena stuff in R1 form. If I want something, I go to this site and check out the reviews. If I feel there's a good enough hk set I buy it. If the HK set doesn't meet my expectations or if I really like something I bought HK, I'll buy it R1. Why do I buy HK? It's price or availability of stuff that isn't out in R1. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't need to overanalyze and I don't give two shits if it's ethical or not. It is what it is. I'm not losing sleep over it. Maybe some day I'll be wealthy and will replace all my HK's with R1's. I hope it happens. Otherwise, HK gives me the opportunity to own an amount of DVD's that I find almost ridiculous and gives me a collection that I'm proud of.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Quote:as for sailor moon R1, it is out, the first series that is, uncut, subbed, no dubs, all for 90 dollars at bestbuy. I think it's 6 or 8 discs.. not sure.. with 6 eps per disc

Thanks for pointing that out to me... I forgot the R! of SM has final been uncut and avaliable for are grubby little hands but boy did it take a while I stand by the rest of my statement... thanks cicaprice
I'm basically like Morg. i like saving money, but at the same time I like quality. Honestly, if HK's could put stuff out with the same quality as the R1's, I would end up buying more HK's. As it is, they pack a bunch of episodes per DVD, so the quality is not up to par with the R1's. therefore i usually end up buying the R1's. The 1 thing I refuse to support is when teh R1 companies try to rip us off by putting 3 episodes per disc like Viz is doing with Inuyasha. I bought the 1st R1 disc, and realized what they were doing, and sold it. I'll just buy the HK's for that one. I don't think there's anythign wrong with buying HK's once in awhile. It doesn't bother me morally. I just think it's wrong for people to never buy R1's and always request rips. I mean, they should try adn support the R1's once in awhile.
To answer Timon's question, rather than dive into the issue of copyrights abuses by both buyers and sellers...

I buy HK to get things that have not been released in the US, or have only been released dubbed (YGO being a case in point). It's the same reason I'm happily downloading WPP's fansubs of Digimon 2 and 4. For the most part I am sufficiently a quality queen to hold out for the R1 of things like Trigun. Happily, US companies are finally figuring out that *yes* there is a market for anime and *yes* they can make money hand over fist by bringing it to us in an unmutilated form (die DIC, die!).

I have, on occasion, been tempted to buy R1 rips because of outrageous price gouging; InuYasha is one of those occassions. I'm lucky, there, though, and since I have it fansubbed I'm holding off until I see how they price a box set.

I bet the site you read said that HK is all done by organized crime syndicates and that by buying HK anime you're supporting prostitution and drug rings? I've read those too. I expect it's partially true and partially exagerated. It's right back to the Big Mac problem. It's not that I think everyone should airily dismiss every ethical challenge they encounter, but any First World denizen who doesn't live in a subsistence commune is living in a gray area already. Get as much accurate information as you can, choose what shade of gray you're comfortable with, and then stand your ground.
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
I support a family and the less money I spend on anime the more I have for essentials.

I just wanted to point that out for everyone.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Your welcome morgorath ~! Smile
You know...living here in the States, if the President can waste BILLIONS of "American" dollars on ending 100s of 1000s of peoples lives to kill about 30 people, I find it hard to believe I'M HURTING THE ECONOMY HERE by buying a 30$ set of discs to entertain myself. So if some rich bastard with enough money to own his own country is bitching because I bought something he doesn't agree with because it's hurting his fat pockets, then he can suck my pennyless cornhole. If you have free will to do as you please then I chose not to buy an "American" product because it doesn't appeal to my desires. That is my right!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I personely buy HK because I'm a starving student and can't afford to shell out $200 for trigun or $100 for ranma but i do buy R1 for all my movies from Akira to Grave of the Fireflies. if I ever get rich i'll buy R1 all the time, until then cheap HK for me.
Everybody seems to hate me on this. That's ok I can always go it alone. Smile

Before anyone assumes things about me, I'm a student too that has to pay for college. I get up to go to work on the weekends right after football games on Friday nights. I don't get hand outs.

JJ, the Big Mac question is unapplicable. I understand people are starving in other countries. Despite being unhealthy a Big Mac is food. We need food to live. Go a week without eating and then there will be a problem. Your body will start consuming itself. Go a week without getting anime. Your body will be the exact same. You don't need anime to live.

As far as the Jeans idea, all Jeans no matter how cheap they are made, are legit. You can use http://www.dvdpricesearch.com to find the cheapest legit prices. That would be shopping around. Smile

It's no a question of who is right. I am. Smile It's people trying to simply justify their ways.

I didn't start this thread. Someone else did. I just chip in when people make comments like "It's not hurting the industry", or " I wouldn't see the series anyways". Well if you wanted to see a series enough to buy the HK, then you had some interest. Continue after a while and eventually you'd consider picking up the R1's.

People won't agree with me. Oh well I guess. Rolleyes
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Steve, u dont got my points of the Big Mac and of Jeans... let me clarify it for you....

You talk of buying HK dvds is immoral because you are hurting legit companies, my Big Mac is to show a point of how many things u do are immoral, you dont need sugar, u dont need chocolate, u need very little in order to live a healthy life, but its just no the case... so live with it.

Let me expand on this Jeans question... so lets say Levis is 30 dollars and your mom's home made pants are free.... by using your moms pants (aside from being a laughing stock of the whole school) you are hurting Levis for 30 dollars of unearned revenues... understand now my logic? or should I explain it even more?
Steve, it's an opinion thread, no one is right. Get that into your head.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Steve, i am so sorry that u are getting all the heat for me, and i totally agree with u. I think that i am now saved
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
i buy the hk dvd's. if i like the series i buy the r1 if there is one, if i don't like it then stay with the freaking hk....

hk dvd's are right. i have tons of r1 dvd's and i have them because i saw the hk dvd's first.
Quote:Why do I buy HK? It's price or availability of stuff that isn't out in R1. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't need to overanalyze and I don't give two shits if it's ethical or not. It is what it is. I'm not losing sleep over it. Maybe some day I'll be wealthy and will replace all my HK's with R1's. I hope it happens. Otherwise, HK gives me the opportunity to own an amount of DVD's that I find almost ridiculous and gives me a collection that I'm proud of.

No arguments here.
Welcome to my world.

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