Why Buy Hk?
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
I'm sure there's some HK series you own that you might have eventually bought R1 if the HK's had not been around.

Actually No.. if i like a Series i buy it in R1.. well except Initial D.. Hell i am buying the Dragonball Z series on DVD from Funimation.. I won't buy the GT series for the simple fact that it starts at episode 14 of the series.. They butchered that worse then anything.. But around my collectioin i have ~150 HK dvd's while i have ~ 300 R1's.. But you say there is a flaw in my arguement.. So i guess there is a flaw in both arguments.. because the other side isn't true fully either..

Its like now the MPAA is blaming IM'ing on poor sales of box office's this summer.. because people would get online and tell other people that the movie was shitty..

Basically i still think it boils down.. Do what YOU want to DO..
arcon is my hero...
i totally agree with you.

Steve stop talking junk because we all know you have some
hk dvd's.

if you have some you are already as bad as we are, so cut it out
To be speaking more or less with Arcon, the companies already calculated how much money they probably get. They know that a bunch of people probably buy HK since that perticular bunch isn't willing to cough up at least 100 dollar per series. But with this knowledge do they lower the prices? NO! so f*ck them.

You know what the dub companies are doing with people like Steve? They laugh about those people. Since they are stupid enough buying the DVD's when throwing the illusion at them that it's unethical to buy illegal stuff.

Well Boo f*cking Hoo
The companies aren't losing money, cuz it's already calculated in the price of the R1 DVD's Steve is buying.

Thank you Steve for buying R1. The Dub companies need it.
Bleeding from insanity...
....seeing clear.. fixating unfocussed on all, faster movements.. the body responce hightened.....
...yet this overflow will never affect the outcome against your nemesis...

Only losing yourself in it does....

BloodAngel [32:6]
Let me enlighten people about "the illusion"

The illusion is: Business are innocent victims and companies DO have ethics. Help me! I'm losing money, that I never had. Naughty HK rippers!

Business is war.
And all is fair in love and war. So no rules --> no ethics.
A businesses course is to make mucho money, expand en so on.
Since all is fair a business will only use ethics, law...and Steve...when it's good for the course. The law appears before a business when it's handy dandy.

So hell yeah I'm gonna buy some HK DVDs! Because HK is: Naughty
:p Big Grin :p
Bleeding from insanity...
....seeing clear.. fixating unfocussed on all, faster movements.. the body responce hightened.....
...yet this overflow will never affect the outcome against your nemesis...

Only losing yourself in it does....

BloodAngel [32:6]
when i see the price of a r1 dvd comparing to the hk set i don t understand why they are some people who buy r1 dvds
i live in france and some anime companies understood that so we can get french sets for a very low price and this is licensed ie x clamp tv series set costs about 30 ? for the whole thing (almost the same in $) so i think that guys in the us will be ready to buy official releases when they will be able to buy dvds at the prices
something that a lot of companies should consider (including in france where some anime are still expensive)
exactly mikeymikemike, well put

Steve needs to go and bitch about the Enron and WorldCom shit, and why after those 2 companies collectively cheated USA (not just the government but all the people, investors etc etc) out of 5 billion dollars, and not a single person is yet to serve a day in jail.

Aint business grand!
You guys saw my last post and you know my opinions when it comes to hk DVD's.. It's not a big stretch for me to say that I own more HK stuff than most hk buyers.. With the exception of Arcon who prolly has like 10 times as much as I do. Wink With that being said, I think everyone needs to take a step back and stop slamming Steve because he has an opinion. We all have our own opinions and if we can't voice them intelligently without insulting someone else, then maybe we shouldn't be posting at all. I can understand why some may not like R1 rips.. I don't like the idea of them myself, as I understand that if the set is a perfect version that I should be suppoting the R1 companies and buying that legit release. That being said, I choose not to spend that money when there is a perfect HK set because I am not wealthy. Would I prefer to have that R1 set? Sure. But money is money and my supply is not infinite. Do I own all of my top 10 favorite series in R1 form? Nope. But I will attempt to buy the Maison Ikkoku stuff R1 and I will buy the Digi Charat stuff as it comes out.. As far as Card Captor Sakura goes.. I'd love to, but I don't have the cash to drop on what, 18 R1's? Ah well. I know there are those on the forums who really don't care about the R1 companies. I'm not gonna say it's wrong cause who am I to judge , but I find that a bit sad. Folks who truly don't want to support companies who make the product they love available to the masses truly make me wonder.. The industry will make more money, creating a domino effect which will in the end allow more and better quality anime to be produced. Is this a bad thing? Again, I own lots of HK stuff. You all know why I own it. Respect the opinions of those who choose to do otherwise. Steve buys hk's series that are not available on R1 and chooses to buy R1's of other series. Respect that. You wanna disagree? Great. Voice your opinions. But do it intelligently and leave the cheap shots out of it. Steve has been here a long time, and has supported these forums long enough to be treated a little better than this.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
I second Shibo's suggestion.

This has been an interesting thread to watch, but it's getting to the point where, if this were my classroom, I would break the debate up for getting too personal and talk about the metaphorical nature of pink ribbons until everyone calmed down a bit.

A link of interest, if the debate itself actually interests you: http://www.fsf.org/philosophy/reevaluati...right.html
I think Shibo and JJ put it best, it really does come down to the money issue and wether or not you give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks. I too have given the anime industry a huge chunk of my money, like the bubble gum crisis video tapes I paid 39.95 a pop for back in the day or the countless viz and streamline releases that were 34.95 for subs. Now I still buy my share of R1 for example Maison Ikkoku because I don't want the series to get canned again, and FLCL(As much as it hurts the wallet) because its a new company releasing them. I'm too damn old and have given enough of my money to the anime industry for people trying to preach to me about my moral issues. So thanks again for this wonderful site and for GOD BLESS HONG KONG!!!!
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I know I want this over but it's fun to debate. It's fun to see things 5 days ago when it was Steve, the chilled out poster guy to Steve, the biggest asshole who must die in this forum. Smile

Arcon: What are you even talking about?!? Milk the customers? Do you know how much Gundam Licenses go for now? 7 figures easy. They should sell 7 episodes at $5 a disc. Then the money would be rolling in. *rolls eyes* I'm not a fanatic, it seems you are with the way you immediately want me dead. Big Grin

mikeymikemike: How much of a noob can you be? Have you been watching anime for 5 days now or has it been a week yet? Sorry to rain on your parade, but you have no reason to post Industry logic because you don't have any. I'm not sure if you are a college student but you would be a terrible business major. Robert Woodhead of Animeigo is running a dead business. It's gone under twice. Do you know their Anime releases are breaking even and that's about it. The Samurai Cinema is what keeps it a float. HK DVD companies aren't business, they are not on the same playing field. Good God, is it that hard to see?

JJ: I hate corporate crime just as much as the next person. Why do I have to "bitch" about that? In fact I am merely explaining things. Enron was a huge corporation, Animeigo is run from a small building. Animeigo plays by the rules, Enron didn't. They are not similar at all. Saying I should bitch about that topic is as random as saying I should bitch about why my shoelaces are white and not blue. Damn you $20 Bob's Store shoes. :eek:

evilomar: You got screwed. I never payed more than $28.95 for a Maison Ikkoku tape, where did you buy from? Bubble Gum Crisis game out with a $24.95 MSRP, who sold it to you for that price? Streamline Pictures had nothing to do with either.

Finally, how many people have heard of US Renditions or LA Hero? They were two early anime companies that released some classic series. Nobody bought them and they went under. The Maison Ikkoku VHS released stopped when they were selling 500 copies for each volume. I'm sorry I can't agree with people. It would make everything a tad easier, no? I'm not calling myself a "true" anime fan but I spend money on what I love (and it goes to places that mean something). I laugh at people and their silly responses because it's honestly a big joke with justifications. If you like your car, you wouldn't put crappy parts in it. You put quality parts not things that were jacked off the street. Likewise, if you were selling anime for a living as an anime company. I would love to see how many of you would then condone rips of your releases? Thought so.

In short, I'm done. This quite possibly is my longest post. Who knows? I'm not a little bitch who is leaving. Nobody will listen to me, instead I get half-assed babble with no logic to it (Illusions, *laughs*). Say what you want, call me what you want. I guess I'm done here.

Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I think this debate has gone far enough. And just a Sum up..

Steve: You are right, morally buying HK dvd's is wrong and Illegal. But majority of people don't care about the Moralality of it.. Some do like you.. which everyone should respect them..

And most people buy HK because of the price not caring for if they are hurting the Company's doing it or not..

So basically do what you wish to do.. And lets all remain friends.. ;o)

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