Adding titles
Could there be a feature that lets you add titles yourself?
Like a form which asks for titles, number of DVDs, subtitles, audios, etc. for us to submit?

It's really annoying having to have someone add a title every time you get one that isn't already listed.

And one more thing, a feature that lets you automatically add a cover picture if there is none would be nice. Like the screenshot command. I see a few titles I'd like to have added, but I once again don't want to have to upload them to a webspace, have a moderator add them after giving them exact details of the title.
Quote:Originally posted by dvd_master
Could there be a feature that lets you add titles yourself?
Like a form which asks for titles, number of DVDs, subtitles, audios, etc. for us to submit?

It's really annoying having to have someone add a title every time you get one that isn't already listed.

And one more thing, a feature that lets you automatically add a cover picture if there is none would be nice. Like the screenshot command. I see a few titles I'd like to have added, but I once again don't want to have to upload them to a webspace, have a moderator add them after giving them exact details of the title.

Yes this is a planned feature.. well all except for adding cover pictures for items.. I am also going to have a Report error page .. (Its almost done) to where you can also report error with items.. So we can Clean up our database alot.. like bad Genre's etc..
Well, since the feature isn't there yet, can you add the following?

Detective Conan movie 5 - Countdown to Heaven
Studio: AV
1 Disc

Detective Conan movie 6 - Phantom of Baker Street
Sudio: AV
1 Disc

Detective Conan movie - Conan Vs. Kaitou Kid
Studio: MI
1 Disc
(picture is attatched)

Attached Files
.jpg   conanvkaitou.jpg (Size: 19.5 KB / Downloads: 6)
Picture for the PhantomofBakerStreet DVD

Attached Files
.jpg   phantomofbs.jpg (Size: 19.45 KB / Downloads: 4)
....and Countdown to Heaven!

Attached Files
.jpg   countdown2heaven.jpg (Size: 21.97 KB / Downloads: 3)
I appreciate you adding them, but Countdown To Heaven and Phantom of Baker Street should be Animation Video, not MI.
Doh messed up.. sorry.. hehe
She, the ultimate weapon (special edition)
Compagny:Animation Video
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Lots of extras
DVD cover: Chise with her school uniform (face with 2 bandaids) and metal wings in her back while Shuji is watching the sunset (AWSEOME COVER)

It's not mention but I got it
[Image: bl453.png]
Could you add:
Company: MI
Product Code: DO 393
2 discs
Japanese Audio, English and Chinese subs
[Image: Cast7.txt]
You're Under Arrest 2nd Season
4 DVD (Episode 1-26)
Compagny: Anime Studio
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Front cover: Miyuki holds a bouquet of flower and Natsumi holds a love letter in her hand (they both have their cop uniform on)
[Image: bl453.png]
Quote:Originally posted by Peter
She, the ultimate weapon (special edition)
Compagny:Animation Video
Subtitle: English, Chinese
Lots of extras
DVD cover: Chise with her school uniform (face with 2 bandaids) and metal wings in her back while Shuji is watching the sunset (AWSEOME COVER)

It's not mention but I got it

Hey whats teh SKU-Code on the discs.. it should be on the side of the package. also for the You're Under Arrest Sku code.. thanks..
Quote:Originally posted by Vinny
Could you add:
Company: MI
Product Code: DO 393
2 discs
Japanese Audio, English and Chinese subs

Added.. Do you know ~ what genre this is? and also how many epiosdes are in it etc?
Genre would be mecha. It has 7 episodes.
Animeniacs has a picture of the cover, too:
[Image: Cast7.txt]
Quote:Originally posted by Vinny
Genre would be mecha. It has 7 episodes.
Animeniacs has a picture of the cover, too:

Ok thanks its been updated.
She, the ultimate weapon (special edition)

You're Under Arrest 2nd Season
DV7905E or DV419
(It's hard to say because somebody wrote 419 where the 7905E was)
[Image: bl453.png]

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