Why Kobe?
This is for all ur basketball fans out there, i know we all taugh kobe was a good guy, what did u expect he is black by the way( i also black) back to the point,as per me i don't usually care about celeb and their life, but as a bball fan i can't just but feel sorry for him he almost perfect record now just became as black as his skin.
i just feel bad for him and i hope u bball fans fell the same way.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

With that much fame and so many women throwing themselves at you, what else can you expect. If I were in his position I'd succumb to the temptation as well.

I don't understand why he or any other young superstar sports figure would bother getting married. Why not wait until thirty or something and just go buck wild!?

Just remember the zip code rule.
Keep yourself marketable...earn an MBA.
Quote:Originally posted by johnkillingsworth
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I don't understand why he or any other young superstar sports figure would bother getting married. Why not wait until thirty or something and just go buck wild!?


I don't get it either, I don't see why he had to succumb into doing something like that, but honestly I don't know who to beleive in this case. I still think he is one of the best Bball players ever though.
I still think he is one of the best bball player out there, but i also think what he did is to get him some street cred, like AI and others bball players that has Street cred sell and get deals with reebox, nike and the rest of stuff, while it was hard for kobe to find someone to give him a deal this year.
That is just what i think
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
I'm not going to get into the Kobe thing, because my opinion is biased. But my opinion of him won't change regardless of what happens. I'll still stand by Kobe, no matter what.

As for this street cred thing, it's crap!!! People need to stop trying to say who has street cred and who doesn't. Especailly those who are not qualified and have no idea what it is. Kobe's shit didn't sell becasue it was ugly!!! I'm a huge Kobe fan and I couldn't bring myself to buy it. That's the reason, plain and simple. They can analyze it however they want, but it was ugly. Kobe was the leading all star vote getter and had the best selling jersey this past year despite lacking this "street cred". They fail to mention those points. Only that his shoes didn't sell. How thug was Jordan? Not very. But his shit sold damn well. Sure, his competition was Bird and Magic, but there were also people in the league like Barkley and Charles Oakley and all of the Bad Boys from Detroit. Right now, there's Ron Artest, but he don't have a shoe deal. It's all about how much skills you got and how nice the shoes look. Street cred is crap and people should get over it.

As for him doing this to get street cred. Don't insult the mans intelligence like that. Noone would go and rape someone to go and get street cred. Even though I don't think rape would help much anyways. He was making much more money with his clean image. I don't see AI or KG with mainstream deals with McD's or Sprite. They're basically limited to athletic gear.
this is a tough subject to touch on for me becuase, my team are S.A. Spurs, so I could care less what happens to him. But we shall see in the future wether the jury thinks he did or did not commit sexual assault.

Oh btw on a raido station I heard a really cruel/funny joke about Kobe. it goes like this..."When Kobe said he wanted to be like 'Mike', his friends thought he meant Jordan, Not Tyson"...Big Grin :mad:
I aint yo baby daddy
Nice joke.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil

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