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I'm more myself now than I was a month ago. I know Batz is prolly gonna get on here and bash me because I said that, but it doesn't really bother me what he has to say anymore.It does get kinda childish after awhile though to keep writing bad stuff about someone, over and over. Thanx you guys!!!I'm officially moving in 12 hours and 43 minutes, so I'll keep all this stuff in mind. And I won't kill their kittens
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What do you expect when I drop everything in my life to help you with any problems in yours no matter how small, & then when I have a problem or a question, you turn your back on me. It's been like that ever since the last week & 1/2 of school. Hell, Morgan was telling you said me & you were real close friends, & yet you spent most of those days ignoring the fact that I was alive.
And yes, you are more yourself, but not what you always said you wanted, or so whatever. You always acted like a nice girl, yet an independent person who would stand up for themselves. Now you're just a little depenent brat.
I lost respect for you when you let me go 2 months misunderstanding soming you said, just so you could get your way. Either I give you to much credit, or you really are as smart as I say you are.
I said as long as you give me friendship I'll also be there for you. The girl I knew died not to long after school ended, & all I've done was hold onto a fleeting memory of her through you, which I'm through doing. You're not the person I be-friended, & although I'll miss her I have no real need to talk to YOU anymore (not to say I won't still send you that long letter of complaints, or explain a few other things next time I'm peed off, such as your great theory. All you did was put herself back to the way you were when you were with Gerard, only this time no matter how sh!tty things turn out, you won't be able to abandon ship. And although I still carea bit, I hope your ship sinks.) Also, I believe what I say matters more than you're willing to admit. (even when there's no mind games involved)
Good luck in your new home, no use trying to reason with you, whom wanted to get out of this town & away from its people to find yourself, & ended up attaching yourself to this town, & refusing to find a NEW you.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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AAAAHHHHHH! The Dreaded double post I know so well.
Anywho, one more note.
To Jessica:
With what ever thoughts you still hold for (not against me) let me offer you the same deal as always. You found perfect happyness, right? Willing to stake my life on it yet? With all the pain I've caused you it shouldn't be a problem, it's a win-win situwation for both sides.
To Those Who Don't Get It:
Back when I was friends with Jessica, I came up with a plan. If she ever found her mister right, & told me who it was I'd make her a deal that if she ever was to break up with him, I would slice my wrist open, & write her a nice little good bye across my wall, although these days I can't garuntee that good bye will be very nice
I still care, never stopped, she just stop relising I did, either that or it's the fact that I can probably be stabing someone in the back, while at the same time love everything that is them, I guess I'm just weird. Well enough about my life, I don't need anymore flaming  :p
Peace To All
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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The girl you met isn't dead, she's still just as independent as she was when you met. Since you haven't seen me, or had a real time conversation with me in about 2 months you have no clue what I'm really like now. the emails I send you are basically to get you to stup up, and to defend myself best I can against the crap you say. And don't start hijack the message boards again.
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07-27-2003, 02:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2003, 02:30 AM by Batz Kage.)
I'm not, I was on topic, by relating it through friendships, to the piece of sh!t thing you used to call friendship between us, one that you sent to hell.
Also: You aren't answering my slightly changed topic.
Your e-mails? Hmm, don't you mean lack there of? I haven't read an e-mail from you ever since my computer broke down. And if you mean PMs, the none small thing. I stopped saying crap about you before you messenged me.
ALSO, you're the reason I was saying that crap. I thought you said some mean crap, & everytime I asked you about it, you wouldn't comment, then all of a sudden you come back, & tell me I misunderstood.
The old you:
Nice, kind, caring, & lovable, although she claimed she alway hurt the ones who cared, I never saw it.
A true friend, someone you would share things with.
Someone independdent because of what had happened to her in the past.
She was also a freak, that I couldn't scare.
She was glad that she was moving so that she could get away from everything that linked her back to once living here.
Someone who talked about waiting for the right guy to sweep her off her feet, & make her happy for the rest of her life.
Although near the end of school a lot of people said she was becoming a b!tch I never noticed.
List of True Friends: Ricky, Heath, Ben (few others, I only remembered the top of it)
The new you:
A bitch.
I wouldn't share things with you if my life depended upon it, you'd just use it to stab me in the back.
Independent my @$$.
And now all I hear is how you miss your people down her.
Now you claim you're in love with the one, & blame me for you questioning yourself. "I'm only in it for the moment" isn't a good thing to base a relationship on.
I guess I noticed now.
Yeah, you still say you're good at FORGETTING, & forgiving. (yeah the last time I heard that was, [lol] during a conversation that probably shouldn't be brought up in a public place) I blamed you for something you said you did, only to come back later to tell me you didn't, & I get forgotten. I've never broken a promise to you or anything. The only time I've been unfair was when I was "misunderstanding" what you said. Sure I'm over confident, & acted like I knew everything, while knowing probably less about life than most other people.
And as for the misunderstanding junk, how was I supposed to act? Huh? Within like a week & a half you went from telling me you loved me & wanted to be real 'close friends' every 5 min.s, to not wanting to talk to me at all, then telling me you do that to guys to hurt them, because after all the pain you've been through you feel you deserve to cause others pain. I have that message half way etched into my brain, you said "Listen here skippy[something like that], you don't know what all I've been through. I've been [ok now that I think about it I only remember the gist]" something about having your heart smashed to pieces, blah blah blah, lot of painful junk, & now you felt that gave you reason to hurt others. Funny, sounds a lot like the story I told you near about when we first met.
I've been there for you all the time I thought I should have been, & yet never taking advantage of you in your time of needs, because by agreement I wasn't even supposed to get as close to you as I did. Hell, I've even sacrificed our friendship, which before we thought who only grow stronger*, to try & teach you a few lessions, lessons you still ignore. And yet you make it out like I'm a bad guy, like I've been trying to hurt you the whole time, it's my fault for all the problems in your life.
Blah, cut short.
*yep, my memory is great: Everytime a teacher would say something about great friends who would always share things with each other, & be there for each other, she would look at me, & I'd look right back at her. Which on second thought, she did that during sex class too, it's kind hard to know if she was also joking about the friendship stuff as well. (That was an attempt at comic relief, I try to do that at the end of every message  , makes it sound a tad bit nicer.)
Some much about you has changed, now I can't call you Morgan, now it's more like Rufo (lol), which then again, Rufo has started to lighten up, I guess I need a new prep to compare you against.
Last Note: If she isn't dead, I swear I'll hunt her down & kill her before you disgrace her name any longer (young samurai chases down evil demon lady who has posessed his closest friend, ready to slayer her to free his friend's soul. Duh, Duh, DUHM could be a great classic :p)
You know I just thought about something... She might not have died. Everything you've put me through is normally the treatment I hear you talking about giving to your old trash (normaly ex-boyfriends, & I guess now friends who actualy care), but that's close enough to being dead for me. *edit* You see I thought of this upon remembering your reaction of when I said that I lied, & never loved you (even though techincaly, I never said I did, but as you said before, it was implied). The old you may have actual tried to fake tears, while YOU didn't even care. That got me to remembering how you treated Rosey.
I didn't cover everything, just some of the major changes.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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I emailed you last week i think it was. I'm not blaming you for this, but with your constant comments about my character I had to kinda become tough around you, so maybe you'd stop. I'm still just as sweet and caring as I was in school... just not towards you. You insult my character constantly on the forum, I'm suppose to go run off and cry for you to see that I'm the same person, I don't think so. Your basically seeing the side of me that only comes out when ppl get to the point of insanity. The bashing never stops coming from you. If you stopped, then maybe that sweet girl would come back and see you. She's definately still around, everyone else still sees her. SO no more bashing, and you get your wish.
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First of all I've said I was sorry 5 billion times.
Second of all, I can't check my e-mail at all.
Third, I'm better off thinking she's dead. It's better for me to only remember her, instead of hoping for sometype of ressurection. Our entire friendship was based on both of us pushing the other way, only to join up as [closer] friends again. That process repeated untill finally you MADE SURE I missunderstood you, & became enraged. Then you complained about me being angery. And you won't ever tell me why you continusly push me away, the closest thing to a reason I got was because you knew I really cared.
Fourth, when I was follow your orders, why did you always complain? You asked me not to like you, & I tried my best not to, all the way up untill the end. Now I didn't do a great job at it, but I think if most of the other guys you hang around you had the same chances I had they would have tried to get as far as they could. Hell, I can't honestly say if I had a second chance I wouldn't try either, but then again I would hope that I wouldn't change anything. Also, I seem to remeber you being the person who told me not to tell you want to hear, but what you need to/should hear. All I've been doing is telling you the truth. (well besides all the mean crap, but you made it seem to be true.)
Also, tell boy, I owe no alliance to you, & am free to bust his @$$ at any time he pleases. And, I'll do it on my own if I ever get some kind of hard proof that he's on this forum. I can't go on gut feelings alone, in other words, I've found his account, but won't do anything until he admits it's him. And that's one of the things that makes you seem dependent, used to you'd get up in my face, which then again that almost had negitive eefects might I remind you.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Well, it's really hard to get in your face when I'm 200 miles away you see. And I didn't know Heath had an account on here. But if you'd clear out your Pm box we'd be able to keep this to ourselves rather than make all these ppl read it this stupid conversation. SO if any of you moderators read this Please lock this tread.
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Another double post, so sue me. The sad thing is that one probably could sue me for it, & might actually win the law suit.
Anywho, considering it was just a matter of time before I destoried this thread with the Anji (sp?) katana style while using the Tetsaiga (yes, I know I mispelled those two miserablely, but I'm to lazy to spell check, plus even if I spelled it right, half of you wouldn't get it anyways.
To LM:
I started a new vamp type series. It's not first person, & no one in the story is from around here. It's all fictional, & in most of the "sex" scenes it's not just a bunch of cutting people up, & bondage crap. The main character has no feeling at all for his victims, while his partern loves the kill. The plot is still a bit wavey, & I might tie it in as if they were Vamp's parents. But, with the changes, the killings, or atleast after the first chapter or two will return to the bloody & goreyness of what Vamp would have been, had I of actually made it into a story & not just some guy telling how he killed someone.
You might want to check it out sometime, probably after I finish the first chapter. I hope it will work out really well, & seeing how you're the only one I shared Vamp with, & due to external conflicts it basicly reverted down to a kiddy story, with comedty & only a bit of killing. The there was the whole big battery connected to the nipples bondage murder part, & then it became more kiddy than ever, I thought you might want to read it.
To anyone else reading this, I'm not screwed up in the head, I just wanted to make a nice little pycho story, that took place in first person perspective.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Well, when ya finish it send it to me somehow, or post it somewhere, and I'll go read it.
The monkey with the most
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i was going to read the second page but i decided not to so....yeah.
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Quote:Originally posted by Atomic Orgasm
i was going to read the second page but i decided not to so....yeah.
That's prolly a good thing. It's nothing important, or interesting to read here.
The monkey with the most
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You notice the one thread you asked to have locked wasn't? You know why? Because I guess they don't find it important enough to read or keep track incase it gets hijacked.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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08-15-2003, 10:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2003, 10:53 AM by Tripp.)
I'm just a jackass so don't mind me, but I'd have to say whatever I just scrolled through back there, that's not the way to make friends lol. As for a set way on how to make want a formula look at a math book. You want to actually make friends it takes two to tango, so quit being a stranger. The only strangers in the world are the ones you don't talk to. You got the skills, RELEASE THAT CHARMING SELF. As for the whole looks thing. Hey if you got it flaunt it. As Collin Quinn says, "That's my story, and I'm stickin to it." On a lighter note...I watch that show that Collin Quinn hosts and it's just watch it in hopes that his next joke will actually be funny cause you feel so bad for the poor guy. The guy rips on himself cause he knows he's not funny. He tries so hard...LOL It's great stuff.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.