Let the price wars begin!
JJ can't sell DBZ anymore.
Ah yes who is undercutting him in prices and who is bandwagon jumping... I promised a certain God of script I would not flame anyone or any site, but I will say this Loyalty is something easily given but hard to maintain. What I meant by this is that... I go to Best Prices and order up some great games. But if I see a game I want at Amazon at a better price I grab it. (Better price is anything cheaper by 5 US dollars. See Amazon seems to take their sweetass time. Where in BP get's me stuff to me faster) No Loyalty...

Now when we talk about Import Anime it's a different story. I know JJ, and the rest of the team that built IM on a more personal level. If I see a one piece on IM for $36 at 9 bucks a disk an I see it somewhere else for $28 (7 bucks a disk) I'm not going to buy it from there because I am Loyal to JJ & IA. The only time I buy anything from somewhere else is if JJ doesn't carry it. (Noticed I didn't say if he didn't have it in stock) Then I'll ask JJ where he would grab it at. That is Loyalty.

The forum users, moderators, and admin here at IA are the best and you never see us slamming another company. You guys want JJ to carry FX titles or MI/AV titles. Give him sometime. Right now other HKDVD sellers are praying that he doesn't so it will keep them a float. Oh and just to let you know companies like MI/AV want cash up front to start dealing in there stuff. So that means we need to buy more so JJ has the cash to get those titles.

Sorry I?m getting off topic and a little fired up. The new prices are great but I wish it had come another way...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
I don't mind that JJ doesn't carry MI/AV/FX titles cause AS has or will probably rip them. AS is probably the best company to pick if a site is limited to selling titles from a single company
sorry bout that JJ in my last post i forgot to comment on how great it is that your dvds are now ever cheaper! this was the cheapest site i knew to start off with and now youve got even cheaper! good work dude, supplying cheap anime to the masses, your mother should be proud!
Points to:

Title: "Well.. this was a suprise (Import-Anime.com this is to you)"
Poster: "Cashan"
Url: http://www.animeniacs.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=763

What is a child like responce in my eye's.
Wow... I'm not sure what to say.
I'm glad to see that nobody in this forum has stooped to mud slinging of any sort.

Part of any business is trying to get as many customers as you can while maintaining a good profit margin. There are lots of different ways to do this from largest selection to fastest service to best price to the sexiest sales people (don't laugh, it works). Unfortunately, there are only so many customers out there willing to part with a limited amount of cash.
Pointing fingers and name calling only makes the name caller look bad. If you don't run a business that can stand on it's own then there's no need to blame someone else for your demise.

About the only business practice that really bugs me is when a company with deep pockets sells the same stock as a competitor at prices below wholesale prices until they go out of business. That's what the anti-monopoly laws are about and it's why I particularly don't like Microsoft (I'm not going to get into that here).

As long as people are running their business in a sustainable manner then whatever gimicks are chosen to increase sales are welcome experiments.

I'm going to stick with Import-Anime because I don't have to deal with ordering things from the US and I happen to think JJ is an alright kind of guy.

Not to mention I'm one of the site administrators.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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