I am thinking about getting Hellsing The Perfect TV Collection. I heard good things and in the dvd reviews it got all good scores. but I was wondering what you all think of it.
Hellsing is great if you like guns,vampires,blood, and undead stuff.
I just got that today and it is really good. But the dubbed Alucard cannot beat the subbed Alucard...IMO. The Japanese Alucard sounds so much more crazed and the English Alucard sounds too normal.
Hellsing is awesome, although it is very over the top. Make sure you have a stomach for loads of gore and blatant erotic overtones.

However, I have to disagree with berserker. Real british dialect is better than british accented japanese in this case, and the english voice actors did an excellent job. I especially loved the actors for Integra and Alexander. As for Alucard... He never struck me as a crazed character. I think Crispin Freeman played him as menacing and egotistical yet preserved an air of nonchalantness, which made more sense to me at least.
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5
I've seen the first episode, and thought it was okay, but could turn very bad as it goes on. :mrgreen:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
You may want to consider the MAC and MI versions for better Video.
Like the other reviewers on this site, I'd have to agree that FX's new version has absolutely flawless video. There wasn't the slightest problem anywhere. Also, I'd get FX simply to get the english voice actors, and if that's not your thing, then for the r1 subs, as the subs on the other sets are pretty flaky.
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5
From what I read, the subs on the other sets are really great. Taken directly form Digisub fansub scripts.
the subs on the mac set are great except the font is pretty damn small which is quite annoying at times. the show itself isnt great, i though it was ok but it could have been much better especially if it had 26 episodes opposed to 13
Quote:Originally posted by "Vance"

Make sure you have a stomach for... blatant erotic overtones.
Hellsing was original an H Manga. I had a chance to read it. You can see the beginnings of everything. Two vampires who look like the Valentine borthers rape a girl who looks exactly like Celes except with black hair. Alucard bust in with an assault rifle (it looks like a sawed off version of Celes big gun) and kills the two vamps. Alucard looks exactly the same as in the show, but has a tatoo on his face that says "Talks with the Dead," which later when of that priest's gloves. In the end, ALucard carries the Celes like chick away like in the end of episode one.
Edit: Oh, and I suggest the MAC set. The subs are great, plus the packaging is probably the best I've ever seen in HK or R1.
[Image: Cast7.txt]
Ah, I suppose there are new subs then =) The old subs on the set I saw (I don't believe it was MAC) had typos and engrish left and right.
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5
I also preferred the dub over the sub and I thought Crispin Freeman as Alucard was great. The only part of the dub that made my ears cringe was the young vampire couple in the second episode. The british accent was too froced and sounded fake
matthewmalay, you are so right I really do love the Dub of this great show. I have few japanese actors and they say the hardest accent for them to pull of is an english (european) accent...

I am fully behind the dubs of this nature. Like ROLW, Slayer, and Escaflowna when there is european charcters in the show I love the dubs, but with shows like Ranma and KOR the Sub is they way I go...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Yeah for shows that are have a western feel to it then dubs are ok but a shitty dub will always be a shitty dub no matter the setting. For something like Kenshin which has a very Japanese setting then sub really has to be the only way to go

Vance, you must be talking about the old FX Hellsing set, I heard that one had shitty subs
I liked the dub voice of the priest in the first episode. Also, I guess I should mention that I have only watched the first episode dubbed so far...not the entire series(again dubbed). :oops:

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