DBZ Part 1 (MI) Test [Translation from french test]

*Note: I want to thank garfield3028 at www.genkidbz.fr.st for putting up this review up in French, to see his original review,

please click this link: http://membres.lycos.fr/genkidbz/fo...opic.php?p=1000

Ok, here goes the translation (a little changed, but basicly the same meaning)
Great. I have the set coming my way anyway, and now I know that it is pretty good. I'll do a review once I get mine.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Animeniacs.com got rid of it because of Funimation. Ohhhh Bella. ^_^
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
yeah, there were a lot of people complaining about it, too bad JJ only carries mac and AS :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I ordered my set on animeniacs before this crap went down, and it is on it's way to my house now. Funimation is the Devil.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I wonder why the person watched the show in English subs but wrote the review in French. Silly French. ^_^
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Maybe because french ppl are NOT GOOD AT WRITING ENGLISH!!!
You're silly, you should check out some well known facts about french ppl instead of saying this.
I figured him to be proficent in english considering that he watched the set. Confusedweatdrop:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ok, i got the set today, and the english used in the translation has a lot of grammar error, and very often wrong translations, kinda like the one piece DVDs.
Wish they had used fansubs, or the subs NGN created back in time.

For the previews there is only 1 preview per disc (on the last episode on the disc), however, all the title screens, teasers and reviews are there, even the ending song, too bad they cut away most previews, i love to watch these.

For the video, it does indeed look pixelated, I would have preferred they cut away ending song... and put only 8 eps per dvd, oh well.
the bitrate varies from 3-5 mbps. Dont know if its progressive or interlaced, looks like its progressive.

And the sound, it cant be any better, because the original is mono, if they would have set the sound in mono and not used exagerated bitrate for it, maybe they would have set the video bitrate higher.

In Overall i would say:

Video : 4/5 cause of the compression.
Picture: 4.5/5 (not perfect cause of the annoying compression).
Sound: 4.5/5, hard to get that part better.
Subs: 3/5, good HK originals, they should have used fansubs.
Menus: 4/5 -Very nice, taken form 3d extra video on toei set Tongue

Overall, not average: 3.5/5. Subs are not good enought, and the video compression too high.
ok, i wanted to add that i redid the review,more screencaps, and my personal opinions.
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"

I figured him to be proficent in english considering that he watched the set. Confusedweatdrop:
yeah but it is easier to understand something than to write about it
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Hey Ox, do you take Spanish in school? Watch the Spanish channel and see if you understand anything.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Quote:Originally posted by "sangofe"

Maybe because french ppl are NOT GOOD AT WRITING ENGLISH!!!
You're silly, you should check out some well known facts about french ppl instead of saying this.

I wasn't saying it seriously. I was just curious as to how someone could watch a show in English subtitles and pick up opn grammar mistakes, yet not write the review in it. I wasn't being serious at all.

I'd just like to say I'm sorry for hurting anyone. Despite how it may seem, I don't hate the French at all. Hell I love their toast. ^_^

In short, I can answer this one quickly. I'm Polish. ^_^
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

Hey Ox, do you take Spanish in school? Watch the Spanish channel and see if you understand anything.

im just saying, he may know english but just never learned how to write it. I mean before you learned you learned to write in school, you could still speak and understand, correct?

*edit* just realized that the show has subs Confusedweatdrop: im stumped now, my only guess would be that he was writting it for all of his french buddies :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
lets face a lot of people dont like the french especially thierry henry!

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