10-11-2006, 09:33 PM
Man there are some killer games to look for on this console. If they can like, completely drop the weak (OMG it is AWEFUL!!!) VO they have for Project Hero's that game has some serious style and looks bad ass. Project Hammer looks interesting. Exite Truck looks fun, and omg the jumps are fracking HUGE! The next Zelda game looks to be a damn near be all end all for the series. But I think, for some odd reason, I really, really want to play Metriod Prime 3 the most. Man does it look awesome. I may wait till then to get a Wii. I want to get one sooner, but hell, with the hours I work right now, I wouldn't get to play the damned thing. Anyway, I think Christmas will be interesting this year. The PS3 will be a fraking bajilion dollars on Ebay, the 360 will probably do well, and the Wii will surprise some, while doing exactly what others have predicted it will do, and that is sell phenomenally well. The power shift cometh, Games could actually get interesting from a design stand point (for ALL consoles) once again.