07-22-2004, 09:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Zagatto
Poor shipping times can be affected by the local post office workers.
I know that I lived in one of the ritzier neighbourhoods back in Michigan and I always had incredible postal service no matter where in the world it was coming from.
Then I moved to a low rent place not far from my parents and it seemed like the postal carriers would take a day off whenever they felt like it. I would be waiting for something and there would be two days in a row without any mail.
I find the same thing here in Ontario. The classier the neighbourhood, the better the postal service.
As for customs, those guys are usually a bit more on the straight and narrow with regards to the rules. There is the occasional bad egg that holds things up but for the most part things don't get stuck there too long.
Cidien, given your history of poor service from your local post office, I wouldn't be surprised to find that your local service has a major slacker working there and occasionally packages get pushed aside just because he doesn't want to deal with them.
Zagatto.. Hey man I live in Michigan too.. And was born in Ontario Canada... Moved to Michigan when I was 4. That's crazy where did you used to live?? I know how the mail can be here. Especially now that I moved to a condo in a suclusive part that gets horrible cell phone service *battling getting out of my contract now* Don't ever support T-Mobile.. The only reason they can give you more for your money is because their service and towers suck :mad: