03-21-2003, 08:09 PM
Quote:Originally posted by "Vicious"
I'm not saying Bush is like Hitler, but he is a fuckin' idiot who has it in for Iraq. He is trying to finish what his father started. I have friends who are from Iraq, and they hate Saddam. So Bush is right in that Saddam needs to be eliminated. But the problem with his war is that many innocents are going to die despite what the US government tells you.
I really hate it when people tell me that he is trying to finish what his father started.. This would of never happeneed if Sept 11th hadn't happened.. Because Bush was about to start pulling more military out of the Middle East. Yes i said he was going to REDUCE the number of military people there. Until Sept 11th happened and then #'s doubled.. From the moment he started he said that it would be a long and hard road against terrorists and that any country harboring or helping terrroists is in danger also. We all know that Saddam helps terrorists. And Bush has just had the last straw with it. especially since 12 years and Saddam hasn't fully compliied with a single UN resolution.. when is enough enough? Simple put Diplomacy has not worked and won't work with Saddam!
Quote:Originally posted by "Vicious"
Morg, the only problem with what you said is all of the civilians haven't gotten out. My friend was telling me that he called his family last week, and the Iraqi govt has had checkpoints in place for a couple of months now so that people can't leave the cities they're in. And that if the Iraqi govt catches wind of them leaving, they level their houses so they have nothing to come back to. He did tell me that everybody, including the military would probably desert the minute war started.
Yes its bad that Iraq don't care about its own people and he would kill them for any reason.. And you are right there will be some casulties of war no matter how much you try to prevent it. which is the sad thing.. Only thing that i can hope for is that the people of Iraq will have alot better life without Saddam.. only thing we can hope for.