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Well I am bored and thought I'd ask this! So here goes for me!!!!
The best Job I ever had was the last one I had. I was doing Heating and Air for a little company down the road from me. I only crawled under a house for like 3 days just to help the residential guys and that was near thje end of that job. I started out in the shop cutting insulation and metal to make heating ducts. I pieced them together and drove them to job sites around the state. That is right, around the STATE to deliver them to jobs the company had taken. After 2 months I was promoted to COMMERCIAL! I went to factories in the make and other companies to atually put up the duct I had pieced together. I had tons of fun climbing in rafters and nearly killing myself everyday cause I am/was afraid of heights. I was on roofs so high you could see the curveture of the earth! Man I loved that stuff. We also busted old heaters and units down on what we call "the hill". Crushing cutting bashing smashing all sorts of stuff you weren't allowed to as a Kid I was getting paid for! Eventually I had an incedent where I needed surgery and it also happened to be winter/down time when it happened. I was eventually layed off. I really liked that job.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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The worst job as of yet is my current one. As many of you know I am currently at a gas station. It isn't a bad job just the environment blows mad goats! I get yelled at by ignorant people who don't know their head from a cock in their nostril!!!! I get a kick out of it but it is way too stressful. I once was robbed a week before Christmas. A guy was snatching stuff off of the shelves and another Climbed over the rafters into the back room while his partner continued to fill his pockets. I heard a snapping sound and when I looked in the back room ther he was standing on the water heater coming over the wall in the Ladies room. I ran back to the registers and presses the panic button and continue to rung up customers telling them to leave because I'm getting robbed. That's right boys and girls....I had people in the store too! The one guy leaves and the other from the back room comes out neither of which new I pressed the button, and was trying to shake my hand whilst apologizing for trying to rob me. He then puts his hand down the front of his pants as if he had a gun. I doubt he had one but I'm not gonna risk kicking his ass, he's crazy enough to rob me then apologize!!! So that was like 3 months ago and I'm still there. I see so many retees in one day that I wonder how they even got their license, let alone know how to procreate.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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my worst job-working at bill miller's (fast food) when i was sixteen....omg, did that suck.
my best job-working at hobby lobby where i would see and talk to lots of hot high school and college chicks.
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I see tons of hottie smyself, unforunately thoogh, I see them with the ugly bastards they date. Man girls have some awful taste in guys. Except when that guy is ME!!!!


- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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My worst job Shoe Show.
My best job Sub teacher.
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None of the jobs I had were that bad, but the worst was probably my hosting job at this Chinese restaurant. It wasn't bad. I just had nothing to do but point people to tables, so it was kind of boring, and everytime I left the restaurant I reeked of Chinese food. It was really bad when I went out to some place with friends right after work.
The best job is the one I currently have. The people are great, and it's a really laid back atmosphere. Right now I'm basically the guy that does everything. I'm a technical/sales consultant for a credit union software company. My job requires me to do a little bit of everything, so I actually do the programming, networking, and sales. I'm doing something I enjoy and getting mad paid for it ^_^.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
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Worst: Burger King - it's sucks having a pack of wild cats and dogs follow you home because you smell like a day old whopper
Best: when I started my life as a programmer about 10 years ago... when IT was still fun and I din't have to justify spending 10$ on CD-RW....
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Well mine is a toss up since well i have been in the Military for 4 1/2 years.. I would have to say that the Military is my best and worst Job i have had..
Worst - Dealing with all the political bullshit that goes along with the military or dealing with 0600 saturday formations because someone in your unit got a DUI on base. for the base commander to give you a 10 min speah about teamwork when you don't even know the stupid idiot that got the DUI. Plus the month months in remote TDY's
Best part is that you get close with your shop or people around.. And you feel more like a family. and have a great time with each other.. Nothing like someone geting promoted and that weekedn the whole shop can't even walk because they are drunk off there ass because of a few kegs..
there is alot more in the military but too much to type.. for both good and bad ;o)
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Wow!!! Those are some seriously good stories. I didn't expect this thread to get more than 2 posts and it did!!!! I also worked inproduce for like 3 years and it was great. I worked at Food Lion for 2 years and Super WalMart for 1. I left FL cuz I was getting screwed out of a Full Time Position and I left SWM cuz I was getting screwed around in general. That was probably the job I'd be doing now if they would stop jerking people around. Man the management in both of those places is is terrible. Take my word though. If you ever work in a grocery store, go for the produce department. It is the greatest!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
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My worst job was selling health insurance, at 100% commission. Wooo, nothing like having to pay to get an insurance license, working for 8 months, and making all of $5000 the entire time.. Man, working in a shoestore wasn't fun but at least I knew I had a paycheck coming..
The best job I ever had is the one I have now, for the simple reason that it pays the best.

I'm a retail credit analyst for Chrysler Financial, which in a nutshell means I approve/deny car loans. It sucked at first but now it's gotten fairly easy and the benefits are great. besides, it's a real salary man job. Sit around all day in an office and get paid. Sure beats pounding the pavement or serving folks standing up all day like my last 2 jobs.