The reason to own a gamecube
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Babyeater, You try having a life at a religious University run by Southern Baptists. If you

succeed then come talk to me. Otherwise leave me be.

You relize you can pick which college you want to go to right? That is unless you didn't get excepted to any other schools..
babyeater0 Wrote:You relize you can pick which college you want to go to right? That is unless you didn't get excepted to any other schools..

I ended up gong to my local community college because I already had 12 classes through my Vo-tech there, and I get to go there free for six semesters. It may be a scholarship thing you know. They fortunately have a good two plus two plan with several universities.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:I ended up gong to my local community college because I already had 12 classes through my Vo-tech there, and I get to go there free for six semesters. It may be a scholarship thing you know. They fortunately have a good two plus two plan with several universities.

I'm just saying he shouldn't be bitching about his college environment if he gets to choose it.
babyeater0 Wrote:I'm just saying he shouldn't be bitching about his college environment if he gets to choose it.

Well, that is true...
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Schultz Wrote:Also i don't think Sony bought any of square. Squre went to Sony because it was cheaper to manufature and then they agree to sign a contract with Sony for final fantasy games. thats why you see other games from square on other platforums.. More like the Gba and there Sword of Mana etc..

Actually your wrong, Sony wanted to make sure that no Square games, especially the ultra popular Final Fantasy series could appear on any other console. So Sony bought 20% of Square. Which was translated into some amount of Square-Enix stock. Who is buying up big name developers to keep exclusives? As for the GBA. At the time Sony was not competing with it, so they had no problem with anything that couyld make them money, because when Square made money, Sony got 20% of it.

As for Rare, well I have never liked them and thougth they were very over-rated. But I find it odd that most Nintendo fans suddenly hated Rare the day after Microsoft bought them Rolleyes

As for not having exclusives, your wrong (again), because they did make (at least 1) exclusive game. They simply finished projects they were working on before they were bought, which is why StarFox Adventures was released on the GC. But Rare suck and always have sucked, so who cares?

evilomar, as for the EA deal, that came BEFORE Sony bought 20% of them, and that deal ended ages ago.

evilomar Wrote:You were right about the Sony and Nintendo deal, they were going to make a new Cd rom expansion, and decided to show Battle Arena Toshinden as its game.... so Nintendo passed up on it, who would have known years later, the same crappy engine would be running games like FF7, MG Solid, and Resident Evil.

Actually the original CD drive for the Snes and what was eventually released as the PSX are 2 totally different things that went through years of extra development and had tonnes of money pumped in. So where you got the Toshinden info I have no idea, but I think its wrong because even witha CD add-on there is no way in hell the Snes could have EVER
have done anything like what the PS1 is capable of. Besided, if they could have made graphics that looked as good as Toshinden on the Snes back then, Nintendo would have lapped it up in seconds.

So sorry to say but Sony didn't "steal" all of Nintendo's gaming knowlege and then make their own thing, they simply got the idea to make a console and were sucessful because of working with Nintendo. I'm not saying that you are saying that evilomar, I'm just saying to every/anyone who thinks that.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Yea but you are forgetting a major thing.. 20% isn't majority.. They can't decide what a company does with only 20% you need 51% to be able to decide what a company can do. since your vote does 51%. Its because company's sign contracts for money to make Exclusives or they own most of stock.. Also EA and Squre signed a contract and EA did advertising and i belive this was only for Final Tantasy 7 or 8. Because on the case it is actually called SquareEA as the company. And those where the only ones that

and like you, I only liked Rare's first games on the SNES they haven't done anything for years.. I don't hate them anymore then i did earlier because they where bought M$.. I also hate people that shift opinions on a heart beat because of that. Ahh i didn't know RARE made Starfox Adventures, never picked up that title so didn't know.. But i just thought it was funny how M$ is despirite to get exclusives that they have to purchase companys to get them.

And yea the SNES CD-rom didn't become the psx sony just used the experiances that they learned from it to start making there own system. And this is when Nintendo backstabbed them and cancelled there partnership. Also i was reading more about it that Nintendo was going to put a 32bit processor in the cd-rom addon.
babyeater0 Wrote:I'm just saying he shouldn't be bitching about his college environment if he gets to choose it.

Heres the thing I didn't get to choose it. It was the only one that offered mr scholarship

and therefore the only one I could afford alright. You happy now? Geez, give it a rest will

[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Heres the thing I didn't get to choose it. It was the only one that offered mr scholarship

and therefore the only one I could afford alright. You happy now? Geez, give it a rest will


If that was your only offer you could have not gone to college at all.
babyeater0 Wrote:If that was your only offer you could have not gone to college at all.

Nah, need a higher education so I could have a chance at better paying jobs.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
gamecube = MARIOKART DOUBLE DASH! enough said.
vietthuggin607 Wrote:gamecube = MARIOKART DOUBLE DASH! enough said.

Nah, GAmecube = the newest link adventure, Now that looks like it might make up for the

abomination of the series that was recently made.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
which one you think was a abomination of the series?
Schultz Wrote:which one you think was a abomination of the series?

I hate even speaking the name but...Windwaker. That almost ruined it for me, that game

belongs in the same category as boy bands. It MUST be DESTROYED.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
I actually thought WindWaker was pretty good, much better than the N64 games. I think it got judged too unfairly on its looks alone and not its content. But no Zelda touches Link to The Past (SNES).
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Ryujin Wrote:I actually thought WindWaker was pretty good, much better than the N64 games. I think it got judged too unfairly on its looks alone and not its content. But no Zelda touches Link to The Past (SNES).

That ABOMINATION is not just about looks but the story as well. As for nothing touching

Link to the Past, I don't know it is a good game, but I think Ocarina of Time comes pretty

close to Link to the Past.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn

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