07-10-2004, 12:47 PM
Hay guys, I have an idea. Why dont you both shut the hell up. Why do you guys really give a crap whether or not someone likes dub or sub. People have their opinions and they are not going to change them. Get over it!

Poll: How was your first anime translated? You do not have permission to vote in this poll. |
My first time was Dubbed | 41 | 89.13% | |
My first time was Subbed | 4 | 8.70% | |
My first time wasn't translated | 0 | 0% | |
Who can remember that far into the past? | 1 | 2.17% | |
Total | 46 vote(s) | 100% |
* You voted for this item. | [Show Results] |
The first anime you remember watching.
07-10-2004, 12:47 PM
Hay guys, I have an idea. Why dont you both shut the hell up. Why do you guys really give a crap whether or not someone likes dub or sub. People have their opinions and they are not going to change them. Get over it!
07-10-2004, 01:43 PM
Amazing enough my first ever anime was "Wicked City" a hentai. I was 15 there was a TV station called hoosier 53. It showed ECW and a few other cool shows but late a night it would show anime. My friend told me he said, "They showed a girl throwinmg up and everything..." He was talking about "Doomed Megalopolis" is that condsider a Hentai? Anyways that was my first true anime. But now that I know what it is I consider "Voltron" an anime and that would make it my first anime.
![]() I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
07-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack I think you fail to see how bad some Japanese VAs really are since you don't speak Japanese or hear conversational Japanese. Quote:Originally posted by morgorath I don't think Wicked city is considered a hentai. If a demon has more than one dick coming out of his head or chest, now that's hentai!!!! I thought we were over this Dub Vs. Sub shit?! I love when people compare me to an insect that eats shit, because I didn't grow up in Japan and watched shows in Japanese, because we all know it really matters when we are fucking four years old what language its in!!!!
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07-10-2004, 02:37 PM
my first anime...well to be honest and not to date myself, my first one was prob. when I was a little kid but Ididn't know it was anime at the time...
speed racer...and I know there were others but I can't think of the names... but it wasn't till a couple of years ago did I see my first anime that I was aware of that is.....Spirited Away....now I love his films and since seen just about all of them...H.M films is what got me started...then I started to watch adultswim anime just several months ago, and that's when I became obssessed, lol:p so I have been starting my own collection, a mix of imports and R1's. and I'm trying to learn everything I can about anime...I tried manga, have the cowboy bebop but I think anime interests me more.... I then started recently an anime egroup, but it's sort of specialized so it won't be for everyone I"m sure. ![]() peace, animegirl
07-10-2004, 03:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by kakomuI do speak a little Japanese, I've taken multiple Japanese classes. And it's possible to judge the quality of acting merely by the tone of the voice actors. Some tones are very natural sounding, others sound forced. I've heard way more poor english dubs than japanese dubs, and yes, there ARE bad japanese dubs out there. I could care less about what you say, so there's no need to keep pounding me with that crap.
07-10-2004, 03:43 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack Thing you fail to realize is that noone criticized subs or Japanese performances. You're the one that decided to bash the dubs. I couldn't give a crap what you 'eat'. But I'm also not the one having negative things to say about what you're eating? You're obviously too stupid to grasp this concept. Watch what you want. But why is it necessary to bash what others watch? You obviously have no rationale or basis behind your 'bashing' otherwise you would have responded to me in the other thread instead of talking of shit and chocolate in here. Let me give you an example. Let's say I'm a redneck. Is it necessary for you to come on here and say rednecks are stupid or that you hate rednecks? If you don't like them, keep it to yourself. Because there is obviously nothing behind that statement except pure opinion. Pure opinion which you know you're only stating to piss someone off. So stop being a biased assed fucking loudmouth and shut the fuck up. Bottom line - stop going around stating shit if you have absolutely nothing to back it up except your opinion. Especially if you know it's something controversial to begin with.
07-10-2004, 03:46 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack i think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that they have a right to express that opinion, but i think it's rather immature and inapropriate to express your opinion in a way that attacks views contrary to yours. you could have just said that you prefer subs, you didn't have to attack people who like dubs
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
07-10-2004, 03:54 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Homeless Joe Exactly. That's all I'm trying to say. Granted, you put it much nicer than I did. ![]()
07-10-2004, 03:54 PM
A redneck, huh? Well, that just drives your credibility down the drain...
But seriously, I'm starting to regret ever having voiced my opinion over this matter. What am I to expect, considering this board's plagued with people whose earliest experiences with anime have been craptastic dubs? Then again, I can somewhat sympathize with you. It's like falling in love for the first time, and how you'll always remember and cherish that memory, no matter how bad it was. Ok, I'll do that and just overlook this whole matter. People sure are nostalgic on this board, though.
07-10-2004, 03:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack Thanks for proving your ignorance and bigotry to us. I think if anyones credibility just went down the drain, it'd be yours. Noones nostalgic about anything. I think HomelessJoe put it best in his previous post.
07-10-2004, 04:20 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack You should'nt regret voicing your opinion, but the way you voiced it was innapropriate. You need to think about the people who do like dubbed more than subs and take into account how they may feel after reading your posts.
07-10-2004, 04:29 PM
If you read my post more carefully, you'd know that I made that comment in jest, merely playing off what you said earlier. That's why I begun the following sentence with "But seriously..." But if you wanna call me an ignoramus or a bigot, go right ahead, since we asians are ignorant at times (we don't like other cultures much), so maybe it was a little of that shining through.
My opinion: Japanese dub >>> English dub. If you think differently, you can kiss my hairless yellow ass. I won't think any less of you (or rather, any lesser of you). I agree with HomelessJoe, but as an asian, I prefer Japanese dub, since it's closer to chinese. Vicious, get that through your head, and don't talk to me anymore, ok?
07-10-2004, 04:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack That's all you had to say in the 1st place. State your preference without making negative remarks about a differing opinion. Also, it takes two to tango. So you can stop responding at any time. Because I've never been the bigger person and never will be. EDIT: Also, you're quick to give us your bigoted opinions online in a forum. I'd love to see if you'd be as vocal if you were down south or in a ghetto neighborhood where you're not safe from retaliation for your remarks.
07-10-2004, 04:37 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack Use 'I' instead of 'we asians'. Be the nincompoop and dotard you are but do not derogate other asians by pretending that you have the whole asian ethnicity behind you. |
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