Lord of the Ring 3, UTTER CRAP
Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe

Vicious, u must see the movie to understand my frastration with it... the movie drags on and on and on and when u think its over, it keeps draggin on.. (whats when I get up and leave)

I understand. i read the books remember? I watched the 1st movie not knowing anything. and every 30 minutes I'd ask my brother, is that it? is it over yet? is he dead? After that, I just decided to read the books and found it rather interesting.

I'm sure if you don't know what's going to happen ahead of time, that you expect it to be over any minute. But since I've read the books, I know they need to have the battle at Minas Tirith and then the thing with the ring at Mt. Doom, and then the thing at the end with the ship leaving. (tried explaining that without giving away any major spoilers) Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
Actually, none of my friends went to see Time Line [that I know of] but it's on my list of things to see. I hope it's good -- it looks decent enough.

Maybe you and JJ could go together since you both want to see the movie. :p
The movie is definitely not for people who like a movie to be over with fast.Wink I really enjoyed it and will most likely see it another two times before it leaves theaters. It had some moments that I really did not expect (I had only read The Fellowship and parts of Two Towers), and do not want to ruin for those whom haven't seen.Wink If you liked the first two go see this one, if you hated the first two don't see this movie.Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I'm amazed that JJ doesn't like ROTK because it's slow and drags on and on... after all, isn't Lodoss one of your favourite series? I had the hardest time watching that series all the way through because I felt they kept dragging things on.

Unfortunately, I can't post a personal review of ROTK yet because I haven't seen it. I intend to but probably not until next month when I get paid again. JJ has posted the only negative review of this movie that I've seen so far. I keep hearing terms like "epic" and "grand" and other positive terms.

I read all the books before they ever announced these movies were being produced. I did find some of the use of language to be tedious when I started but ended up being sucked in by the rich story.

So far, the movies have made some pretty major changes to the books while keeping much of the depth that I associated with the books. I expect the final movie to switch between ginormous battle scenes and personal internal battles of characters making tough decisions.

As for TimeLine, I loved the book and I really look forward to seeing the movie. I don't think the movie can be anywhere near as good as the book was but the story is strong enough that the movie should be enjoyable at the very least.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I can't comment personally, but anywho:

My friend, who has all three or what ever number books, & I believe he's read them, doesn't like the first movie, loves the second one, & will have the 3rd one asap.
I on the other hand like what I've seen of the 1st one, the second one was ok at best, & that's stretching it a lot! And as for the 3rd one, sure I'll watch it on dvd when he takes me to his house just for that purpose, but like Chris did while watching the second movie with us, I'll probably fall alseep.

Lord of the Rings just seems like one of those things (like FF7 the game, even though I love it) are so great because it's just people's opinions. They seem to think, yeah this is cool! And it spreds like a disease. NOT TO SAY THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE LIKE THAT!

Peace out to all, & to all a good night.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I'm going to go see ROTK on Sunday with my cousin, and a few of his friends. THey're all college guys, so it should be one of the more interesting experiences of this year. Tell you guys how it went afterwards, and if I don't get to watch the whole movie I'm not going to try for a second time.
The monkey with the most
I was pissed with the '2 towers' but am impressed with the 'return of the king'. Granted occasionally you'll become bored on dialog scenes (esp during the battle or after the battle), however I am damned impressive with the hollograffic city of the dead mountain ppl and the grandure of the city of Gondor. The battle clash between the good and evil in 2 stages was captivating as well.
Hmm..I'm sorry it upset you that much. Perhaps if you watch in another time again, you might grow to like it. I'm definitely looking forward to buy the extended edition of 'return of the king'.
i really enjoyed it having read the books years ago.i dont think in walking out towards the end you missed anything though as the start wasnt explained to give the end the proper meaning.especialy with all that book crap which comes mainly from the "hobbit"
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
I saw the movie for my second time on Friday, and have to say I liked it even more the second time through. The movie was just out and out enjoyable. I liked everything about it and look forward to the NINE hour special edition.Wink Wink
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I loved it. It was a bit slow at parts but then there was little character development as it was so i let it slip.

Not sure if it was 12 endings or not but my ass sure was sore i tell yah! Big Grin
Like Vicious said, I don?t think you can rightfully judge the movie until you have read the book series. I loved the books, but I think the movies are severely overrated, especially the entire Arwin Aragorn love story bullshit, the only reason that was put in was to appeal to female viewers. But if nothing else you have to appreciate ROTK for its fantastic camera shots, at some points I was just in amazement of the perfect blend of different shoots, as Gandalf and Pippin rode through the castle. The music fit well to the scenes and the special effects and battle sequences were phenomenal. However this doesn?t compensate for the overload of corny moments, and over-exaggeration of some details and the exclusion of others. I give ROTK a 7/10

Ps. Just because Reviewers gave a movie you hated a good review and another movie a bad review doesn?t mean you will like it, I saw timeline, it successfully wasted a few hours but it was not a good movie (I hope) by anyone?s standards.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by OptimisticOx
Like Vicious said, I don?t think you can rightfully judge the movie until you have read the book series.

I completely disagree.

I think that a person who hasn't read the books will be a better judge of the films. Why? Simply because they will be watching them as films and not adaptations of a book. You can, of course, argue whether or not the LOTR movies were faithful adaptations. However, to give an honest film review you have to judge whether the ROTK worked as a film and, more precisely, as part of a whole (the books were split for financial reasons against Tolkien's initial wishes - the titles themselves, i.e. Fellowship, Two Towers, were made up because of this). I won't rate the movie until I see the Extended Edition although I did enjoy the theatrical cut.

In JJ's case, he simply didn't like the movie (although he didn't review it as such). Everyone feels this way about some film - I thought Matrix Reloaded was a load of pseudo-Christian/Greek mythology pap so I didn't even bother with Revolutions. Now lecture me.

Quote:Originally posted by OptimisticOx
...the entire Arwin Aragorn love story bullshit, the only reason that was put in was to appeal to female viewers.

Whether it should have been included or not is moot. I think it was justified - the scenes were constructed from the books' Appendices, so were pretty much an official part of the story - because it did offer another facet to Aragorn's character during the main story. It's subjective, really. Can you relate or care about a man - be he a warrior king or not - being in love and giving up that love for what he believes to be the greater good? Some prefer a hack 'n' slash-only character, but I like that Aragorn is shown as a man, quite different from the Elves, with strengths and weaknesses. After all the story was about the beginning of the Age of Men.
I thought it was absolutely amazing, and a fitting end to an epic series. Granted, I read the books 7 years ago and absolutely loved them. That probably makes me biased...

The films are probably better as adaptations of the book than as standalone films. Then again, I feel that the director's intentions was to keep it as an adaptation, and that his concerns were more on faithfully reconstructing the book rather than make a good film. Overall, I am pleased with what he did, although I can see people not enjoying it because of not having read the books, or simply because of the sheer length of the movies.
Actually, I wasn't saying that you can't judge the movie without reading the books. I was just saying that the movies make alot more sense if you've read the books and will also help you understand tha pacing of the story better as well.

There is alot of stuff that has been cut out of the movies, but overall they seem pretty faithful to the original storyline so far. I'm gonna watch the last movie tommorrow, so I'll see how the movies turned out. But through the 1st 2 movies, I only rememebr seeing like 5 minutes of footage dealing with Aragorn and Arwen's relationship.

And even if someone hasn't read the books, I think the movies hold up pretty well on their own. I do wish they would come out with 1 more movie and make the Hobbit. They could make money off the prequel.
Quote:Originally posted by TheMarine
Then again, I feel that the director's intentions was to keep it as an adaptation, and that his concerns were more on faithfully reconstructing the book rather than make a good film.

I don't know about that. Tom Bombadil was cut as were the (tedious) Elven songs and, of course, the structure of The Two Towers film is different from the book. Watch the extras on the Extended Edition if you haven't already - I think Peter Jackson made some good choices to translate the story into the medium of film.

What it boils down to is: can you sit down to Peter Jackson's efforts and enjoy them as films? Forget the books. Forget what should or shouldn't be there. Did the story make sense? Did you want to keep watching?

As an example: I've watched the first Harry Potter film, but haven't read any of the books. What did I think? I thought it was excruciatingly dull. A plodding affair with no directorial invention and at best middling special effects.

Take The Phantom Menace as another example. Forget what you know about Star Wars and Darth Vader. Pretend you're approaching this universe for the first time. Is it a good film? I don't think so. You can argue - as I have done - that it does set everything up nicely for the later episodes, but of course my mind is already tainted by having already seen those later episodes. I've done my best to distance myself from the original three films, but all I'm waiting for is the black mask and pink lightsabre. Actually scratch that. I'm almost ashamed to say that I'm not really that bothered about Episode III. I'll see it, but...

The last rumour I heard was that Peter Jackson was interested in The Hobbit. However, if it were to happen it wouldn't appear until King Kong was finished.

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