First Ticket. Damn.
I had to go out this morning to get some crap for school. I was on a road I had always thought was a 45 mile/hour zone. I was wrong. Now I have to pay a $110 fee to the local magistrates office by November 11, 2003. Ain't life a bitch. So that pretty much pissed me off for today.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Anyway, share your experiences with the "LAW", and please no Judge Dredd stories.Big Grin
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
that sucks
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
You just got your first ticket? I got mine when I was like 16 or 17. It was so scary when you have that bright light directly behind you and you can't see anything. I was so scared thinking what's my dad going to do to me. I thought maybe he'd take my car away or something. I basically ended up getting yelled at real bad.

And then I proceeded to get so many tickets over the next couple of years that I ended up being suspended for a year. I got so used to being pulled over, that I'd have my license and registration ready for them when they'd come up to my window. Tehre's no explaining or asking for a break on my part. I'd be liek "here, write me up".

Lately I've been extremely lucky in that I've only been pulled over twice in like the last 5 or 6 years. One time he let me go with a warning because he was "en route to something else". And the otehr time the guy was like "why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" And he let me go with a ticket for a broken taillight or something. I still speed just as much as I used to, but I'm just better at not getting caught. Speed limit on the highway around here is 55. And I average about 80 and will hit 95-100 every now and then and not even realize it.
Only ticket I ever got was the ticket for having an accident. Other than that,I speed all the time, and never get caught :p.

One close call was when I was speeding a police car had it's lights and sirens on. Turns out, they weren't after me, but rather the Beemer and Acura going Warp 5 that passed me about 3-5 minutes ago Big Grin
Geez Kak, now when I come over today I can rub it in and gloat!!!!
Just kiddin'. That sux man. I can't wait to hear your dad scream his head off!

The Good Lord's been watching out for my sorry ass. I don't have any tickets as of yet. I've had my license since I was 16 too. This one time a friend and I were racing in our crappy little pickups and were about 50moh or so in a 35 zone...we had just started getting up to speed..and the only reason the cops got us was because they heard us spinning out at the start of it all. Luckily they saw us when we weren't beside each other and one of them knew us because on the side she is a school officer. so we all got off because she knew us! I'll never push my luck like that EVER again!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
well i got 2 more year's till i get to really drive
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi

-look me up some time Cool
It is real shitty, because I really wasn't "speeding". I was nine miles over the speed limit. 44 in a 35 (which I thought was a 45). He said he was sorry, and he wished he could let me go, but he just couldn't. Asshole.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well I've only had 3 tickets so far, 2 of them where given to me at the same time. The first one was when I was 16, my defroster didn't work too good, so I was just looking as well as I could out the window folllowing the speed of the car in front of me on the way to school. It turned out that car and I of course where doing 70mph in a 35 zone. The other 2 where from when I just turned 17, a lady friend and I at the time where to something personal Wink when a cop starting comming down the area with his lights on. When he stoped behind our car I got nervous and took off. Eventually I ended up with 2 tickets one for Reckless Driving, and the other for evading the police by turning my headlights off. Since then though in almost 8 years I haven't had any others.
[Image: gametz-ad6.gif]
I haven't gotten a ticket yet...that maybe though because I haven't had my lisence long enough to do anything with it.
The monkey with the most
Never had any tickets...I've been pulled over three times though...

The first time I was pulled over...I was in Driver's Ed!!! It was only because my brake lights were stuck on.

The second time, I borrowed my Mom's boyfriends car and one of the headlights was out. The scary part of that one was that there were three cop cruisers pulling me over at once!!

Third time, I had wired my stereo a little wrongRolleyesand my headlights cut out. Opps!!
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Third time, I had wired my stereo a little wrongRolleyesand my headlights cut out. Opps!!

First time I wired my stereo, I didn't tape off hte dimmer, it hit a piece of metal and all the lights on the INSIDE went out...luckily everything on the outside was just fine :p .
I'm all to familiar with speeding tickets.
I blame a big part of it on my parents and how I was raised.
My mom's name is Nita but a number of her friends call her "Nitro" because of her heavy foot. My dad's nickname is "Bondo" and he raised me to respect the speed limit and think of speeding tickets as my driving tax.
So I had my first speeing ticket within six months of getting my drivers license and had it suspended before I turned 18.
The worst I've ever done was driving 75 at night in the rain in a very busy 25mph zone. I think hitting the bus is what actually got my license suspended.
I still speed regularly but haven't had an accident in 15 years (since that bus) but I still get a ticket every other year or so. The one time I was amazed not to get a speeding ticket was coming home from Montreal after the Grand Prix. Everybody was speeding and it was some of the most polite driving I've ever seen. From Montreal city limits to my house in Hamilton and in bed in under 5 hours. I even stopped to get a burger at a drive through off the highway. The blessed mother of acceleration was looking over me that day.

The fun part is that I'm the person that taught my wife to drive and she has also had a few tickets in the seven years she's had her license.

Now that money is tight and I can't afford my "driving tax" I've slowed down a bit. I still enjoy making the car go fast when I can but the opportunity just isn't there as much any more.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Oh yeah... I should include this because it's funny.
I did get one ticket while driving that I deserved but it wasn't my fault.
A few of my buddies and I had gotten together and ordered a case of bottle rockets. We all had cars so we got ourselves gunners and drove around suburbia shooting bottle rockets at each other.
Now here's where getting caught isn't my fault.
I was pulling up to a stop sign behind my friends car and I saw a cop had pulled a speeder over across the intersection. I figured this was a good time to play it cool and not get busted. Unfortunately, the idiot in the car in front of me had already lit his bottle rocket before he saw the cop car. Not wanting the bottle rocket to go off in the car, he dropped it out the window as the car pulled away from the stop sign.
I pulled up to the lit bottle rocket and hoped to crush it under my tire. As luck would have it, when I got to the bottle rocket, it shot out from under my car and flew directly towards the officer issuing the ticket.
It blew up less than 10 feet from the cop.
I casually turned the corner and then the next corner in hopes that the cop would drive by. No such luck.
I ended up getting a $75 dollar ticket for some stupid fireworks bylaw and he confiscated all my bottle rockets as well (which were worth another $75 or so).
The loser who dropped the bottle rocket rather than pulling the fuse wouldn't pony up any money for his mistake. He said I should have driven away faster. I said please meet my fist and proceeded to pound the snot out of him.

Not a speeding ticket but still a tale worth telling.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I'm glad you kicked the snot outta that guy. He should of at least met you half way.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I got my license revoked for a while because of some stupid thing me and my friends decided to do. There's this... i guess you could call them a car gang around here. They all drive Honda civics and have a million of those magical stickers on them that make there cars go faster. Yeah right Tongue Anyways, they all have on there back windows "Tough E'nuff" written. There's really annoying, too. Some of them went to my friend's high school and were plain dicks. So, as a joke, on the back of my car and some of my friends, we wrote "Hardly Nuff" to piss them off. Anyways, at the movies, we saw some of there cars, so I parked right next to them.
We get out of the movies, and there standing there. Me and some freinds go to my car and they're all around it. I pull out the keys to get in, and they say "This is your car?" and I say yeah. One takes a brick and destroys my back window. Since they were in the cars when this happened, they drove away thinking it was over. Like Hell it was. We start driving after them. Luckily, the magical stickers weren't working so my Volkswagon Beetle (one of the new ones. hey, my mom bought it for me, and who am I to refuse a new car?) was easily able to catch up to them. We all start driving like assholes, basically. My friend in the front seat throws the brick at them denting the trunk. He takes the tire iron I keep and I drive close next to the car and he starts whacking the car with it.
Cop sees us. Shit hits the fan. I pulled over. I, unlik some, respect the law. They drive away. Fortunately, they get caught later and get busted harder for evading arrest. Serves them bastards right.
I unfortanetly got my license revoked for 6 months, I think. I beleive revoked is the right word. Basically, my license was terminated, and after 6 months I could go to the DMV and take the test over again to get it back. Revoked kind of works.
Anyways, on top of that was also having ot pay for the damage of our own cars. That sucked. My mom said I shouldn't have a car after that and took the Beetle for her own. Whatever. It made me look like a fag anyways. My Dad though sent me his old Pontiac Grand-Am which I'm all about. Fit's five cormofortably Smile
I go for the road test again in two weeks. I'm pretty nervous though, as I haven't driven much in 6 months and have kind of forgotten most of the special things I needed to do on the test, but have been checking up on it again, plus I get to drive with a driving school an hour before the test, which is all good. Should be alot easier after getting the tips from them. I've driven a little bit at night, though. To make sure I didn't totally forget how to drive. But not much. I drove around the neighborhood and to a local 7-11 and stuff like that.
The funny part is, when I drive with out my license, I drive a hell of a lot better. I do everything by the book so a cop can't pull me over for some stupid reason and stop me from getting my license again. Tongue
Hey, Zagatto, I had something kind of like that happen to me, too. Some of my friends (I was with them but didn't participate) were chucking smoke bombs out of the window on to the freeway. One landed in this guys convertable and they were all afraid he got there license plate number. Serves them right Tongue
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