I got my license revoked for a while because of some stupid thing me and my friends decided to do. There's this... i guess you could call them a car gang around here. They all drive Honda civics and have a million of those magical stickers on them that make there cars go faster. Yeah right

Anyways, they all have on there back windows "Tough E'nuff" written. There's really annoying, too. Some of them went to my friend's high school and were plain dicks. So, as a joke, on the back of my car and some of my friends, we wrote "Hardly Nuff" to piss them off. Anyways, at the movies, we saw some of there cars, so I parked right next to them.
We get out of the movies, and there standing there. Me and some freinds go to my car and they're all around it. I pull out the keys to get in, and they say "This is your car?" and I say yeah. One takes a brick and destroys my back window. Since they were in the cars when this happened, they drove away thinking it was over. Like Hell it was. We start driving after them. Luckily, the magical stickers weren't working so my Volkswagon Beetle (one of the new ones. hey, my mom bought it for me, and who am I to refuse a new car?) was easily able to catch up to them. We all start driving like assholes, basically. My friend in the front seat throws the brick at them denting the trunk. He takes the tire iron I keep and I drive close next to the car and he starts whacking the car with it.
Cop sees us. Shit hits the fan. I pulled over. I, unlik some, respect the law. They drive away. Fortunately, they get caught later and get busted harder for evading arrest. Serves them bastards right.
I unfortanetly got my license revoked for 6 months, I think. I beleive revoked is the right word. Basically, my license was terminated, and after 6 months I could go to the DMV and take the test over again to get it back. Revoked kind of works.
Anyways, on top of that was also having ot pay for the damage of our own cars. That sucked. My mom said I shouldn't have a car after that and took the Beetle for her own. Whatever. It made me look like a fag anyways. My Dad though sent me his old Pontiac Grand-Am which I'm all about. Fit's five cormofortably
I go for the road test again in two weeks. I'm pretty nervous though, as I haven't driven much in 6 months and have kind of forgotten most of the special things I needed to do on the test, but have been checking up on it again, plus I get to drive with a driving school an hour before the test, which is all good. Should be alot easier after getting the tips from them. I've driven a little bit at night, though. To make sure I didn't totally forget how to drive. But not much. I drove around the neighborhood and to a local 7-11 and stuff like that.
The funny part is, when I drive with out my license, I drive a hell of a lot better. I do everything by the book so a cop can't pull me over for some stupid reason and stop me from getting my license again.

Hey, Zagatto, I had something kind of like that happen to me, too. Some of my friends (I was with them but didn't participate) were chucking smoke bombs out of the window on to the freeway. One landed in this guys convertable and they were all afraid he got there license plate number. Serves them right