First Ticket. Damn.
Crap! My first ticket was about a year ago. I was going out to get food and some HK movies to watch. On the freeway, this freaking truck in front of me was driving 45mph. I stepped on the gas and passed it. I think I hit 72 - 75mph when the cop stopped me and another car far in front of me. That car was going 80mph. That freaking cop gave me a ticket for driving 80mph too!!!:mad: I was like what the XXXXX???? I looked at my speedometer before he stopped me. Think he's trying to meet his quota that day..... duhz....forgot it was public holiday, a lot of cops on the freeway. That freaking cop made that remark:" TOO BAD! YOU PASSED THAT TRUCK!" Man...had to pay $150 and go traffic school not to mention standing in line for 2 hours just to pay the fine and show them the insurance. I had forgotten to place it in the car that day coz it just came in the mail. Dohzzzzzzz
Well don't have any good ticket stories except this one and it isn's that good... Home on leave and in my dress blues (my grand mother loves me in my blues) so I was on my way to see her and was with an ex girlfriend at the time. Doing about 70 on the highway when the speed limit did a drop from 65 to 55 in like less than a mile. So the cop pulls me over and when he walks up to the car he says the stander lines of give me this and give me that... but before he goes back and runs my info he says "So let me guess late for the ROTC ball that's why you were going so fast... "(now first before I say what happens next understand that there are no active military base in Indiana and the closest Guard and Reserve base was about 100 miles north of where I got pulled over) Now Amy loses it "How dare you insult him he just finished a year in Korea and you talk to him like that... you should say your sorry..." he stops her and says "look little lady if you don't quiet down there is going to be more than a ticket" I'm like great I am going to get a ticket... he takes her driver ID and goes back 5 miuntes later he comes and Says "Sgt I'm sorrry about all that. Why didn't you give me you Military ID..." I'm like well you didn't ask for that and second I have made Sgt yet. he then look at Amy and says "Tell your father I said hello" He leaves me with a warning and I look at her and she says " Oh you didn't know my daddy made the bench he is a Judge for city Indianapolis now...

That's my story... oh and Zagatto is there like a real term for those EX-copper guys so I can look one up...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Depending on how you were dressed, he might have thought you were trying to earn some extra cash. :p

I was dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt...I looked more like a jogger than a hooker. The wierd thing was though that he was the only one who stopped me. And i passed almost 10 cop cars that night.
The monkey with the most

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