03-08-2003, 10:17 AM
03-08-2003, 11:40 AM
That does suck. Were you really in Love with her?
03-08-2003, 07:52 PM
I haven't had a girlfiend in almost 3 years now and could care less if I ever have another one! That's right man....FUCK EM'!!!!
03-27-2003, 12:56 PM
Quote:Originally posted by "DARK OSAMU"
I haven't had a girlfiend in almost 3 years now and could care less if I ever have another one! That's right man....FUCK EM'!!!!
Ha I can beat three years. Lets see I'm 14 years old, that means it's been...uh...oh 14 yes since I've had one. Well technicaly I guess that wouldn't count though because I've never had one, but still. ok lost track of thought.
03-27-2003, 01:44 PM
I am not exactly what you would call a studly guy :mrgreen: in fact some would refer to me as the oposite..... well anyway.... I have had a girl who was a friend if that counts
weatdrop: :mrgreen: :twisted:

03-28-2003, 02:08 PM
Man, I totally agree. Finding "the one" is proving to be a total pain in the ass, almost to the point where it's not even seeming like it's worth it anymore. I run a buis, got awesome friends, have anime, and DDR, that's enough for now.
Heh, it's hilarious how anime manages to craft perfect women. I swear the whole cast of Love Hina is my dream girl, but noone is that fun or interesting in real life. Maybe fantasy has raised my bar too high.
Heh, it's hilarious how anime manages to craft perfect women. I swear the whole cast of Love Hina is my dream girl, but noone is that fun or interesting in real life. Maybe fantasy has raised my bar too high.
03-28-2003, 02:12 PM
yes, I agree
I want a girl who: is really really hot, has similar interestes(anime), and of course, is attracted to me :mrgreen:
I want a girl who: is really really hot, has similar interestes(anime), and of course, is attracted to me :mrgreen:
03-29-2003, 03:50 PM
Don't look for a girlfriend and have the attitude where you don't need them and they usually come to you in flocks.

03-29-2003, 04:00 PM
yeah, I know. and that is what is so confusing, why wouldn't all of 'em come to me? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: lol
03-29-2003, 07:47 PM
dont worry that much about girls,they just remind you how much life is not like an anime.no battles, no magic, no adventure life sucks!!!!
my dream girl would be a ninja,we would go around beating people up
but that wont happen instead meet a girl ,get married ,have kids , die
maybe its time someone broke the cycle....................
my dream girl would be a ninja,we would go around beating people up
but that wont happen instead meet a girl ,get married ,have kids , die
maybe its time someone broke the cycle....................
03-29-2003, 07:50 PM
aw yeah, hot ninja lovin :mrgreen:
sometimes I wonder if I would rather live a life in an anime or just a carefree life where I watch alot of anime. :mrgreen:
sometimes I wonder if I would rather live a life in an anime or just a carefree life where I watch alot of anime. :mrgreen:
04-02-2003, 05:40 PM
hehe, I'm not totally in the same situation as you guys. My perfect girl was one I could have had (on the net atleast). I don't care what anyone thinks to be she was B-E-U-T-I-Full, she was into anime, & for some strange reason liked me, which was an up. The only thing we didn't always see eye to eye on was how she was like a sex addtic (she loves hentai, & dreams of being raped). She also always joked around about raping me when if I was to go to see her, & junk. We haven't talked on a messenger in about 2 months, but we still send e-mails every now & then. With her being grounded for her bad grades, & me working to keep mine up, we don't have much time for the net.
04-02-2003, 05:45 PM
hmmmmm...... sounds like the dream girl to me :mrgreen: go for it
beuatiful girl + anime = yes! yes! yes!
although I would be kind of creeped out if she told me that she had dreams of raping me, but at least it shows that she's affectionate right?
I have more than one online girlfriend, I just do it for kicks and lie about myself trying to match our interests together. :mrgreen:
beuatiful girl + anime = yes! yes! yes!
although I would be kind of creeped out if she told me that she had dreams of raping me, but at least it shows that she's affectionate right?
I have more than one online girlfriend, I just do it for kicks and lie about myself trying to match our interests together. :mrgreen:
04-02-2003, 06:10 PM
She did dream about raping me, just she dreamed about being raped. Although she said she wanted to rape me.
I normally can't bring myself to lie to people, & when I do, even if I hate the people I feel really bad about it.
I normally can't bring myself to lie to people, & when I do, even if I hate the people I feel really bad about it.
04-02-2003, 06:20 PM
I can lie easily if I need to, or if I dont feel that I am doing anything to "wrong" but yes, if I lie about something that I shouldnt I feel guilty.