yeah..that's long as she doesn't go for Bill or William or Jason..i'm fine..

I think she should go back to John..or she could settle with me..hehehe :twisted:
Her going back to Jon, yeeah. I thought that would be a good idea & even now I guess it is still a good idea. And if you ever snag her, I want to be a thrid wheel on all yall's dates. Will cameras be allowed? :mrgreen: :twisted:
hmm..i'll have to talk to her bout the cameras but i have no prob with them...

Cool, & I know Op Ox would buy a copy! I could make hundreds off a small home town lesbion. Which reminds me, I told Josh Jessi was gay, & that's why she hangs out with a bunch of queers. :mrgreen: :twisted:
i'm gonna go now... ~LATER~
Hey Jessi,
I just wanted to tell you that everything I said on MSN was all a joke..i hope you ain't mad at me.. I do think you are HOTT but i don't like you that way and i'm sorry if i freaked you was not all my doing..if you kno what i mean..if not ask your buddy Ricky. I'm REALLY SORRY..i didn't know it would freak you out that bad and i think Heath is pissed at me too..once again..I'M SORRY!!! I'll understand if you don't ever want to talk to me again...i gotta go now..bye!
wow!!!! 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
now this thread really ran away from me! gossip station hooo!!!!!!!!
and sure Ill buy a copy, anything to keep me occupied on those lonely nights*begins to cry*
*strokes anime collection*
oh yeah
so looks like another new users in town, and I can tell by this little conversation that Batz is just reallin them in!!! and crackhoe wtf are you so sorry about?
oh well it took me a long time to read this thread so I might as well have made a long post like this one to make up for it.
oh well, this is the end
:mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: :mrgreen: 8O :twisted: vv
Well since this thread was about how love sucks let me say that my Love life is great right now... For those who need more details like I know dark, kakoi are going to ask for you better hope I send you a PM if not to bad but.... the way it sucks is that I meet her while I was home... (hell she picked me as the guy she liked talk about being knocked for a loop) and she is amazing... wonderful in many ways and since her son loves DBZ she has learned about anime and liked it... but when I showed her Vampier Hunter D Bloodlust she fell in love with anime... But how it sucks is now I am back in Japan and she is there... there is serious pain in my heart guys... more to tell in the future...

wow that sucks, a long distance love is rarely a good one. just hope the fire is still burning when you return, morg :mrgreen:
OpOx the reason I'm so sorry is because I asked this girl out and she got freaked out and I don't want her to be pissed at me cuz we go to school together and she's a really good friend of my bro's.
by the way...that may sound really stupid but there's other things behind it...I just don't feel like goin there right now
OKay I just took a lot of my time to read this whole thing. And I would like to ask how the tread went from talkin bout some guys love life.. To my love life. 8O Well.. It's all good. I don't really care what every one knows. Once again I would like to state that i fogive you Kisha, and Ricky and I aren't "close" in that aspect of it all. Umm... alrighty i think that bout covers it all. If i missed anything feel free to speak up. I won't hurt you too bad. Ohhh yeah.. that is a really bad picture of me i'll put a different one on her later if i can figure out how.
dang it didn't post.
This is General Babble, it was made for the Post Sluts to go wild in. The topic can start on Ducks, & end up on Sex. Hehehehe, slightly inside joke.
Very very funny.. Hey i finally got that really big stuphed duck i wanted

Yay! I very pround of you, & almost jealus of the duck :mrgreen: