wait, that's insult to injury. GET'em ADust! :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I dont care if u say punk sux
i'm behind but Korn doesn't suck..they are awesome!
Quote:Originally posted by "Batz Kage"
uh oh, good save, he spelled KoRn, Corn.
yeah, well spellings like that allways irritate me, like toys R us with a backwards R
or the sign that says, "slow down, my mommy works here" with a backwards S at the end of works
well maybe if your mom would stop horring up the construction site!
Hey any one who insults Korn needs a series kick in the ass did you watch Queen of the Damn it was like one long Korn video hell it was the reason I watched the movie...
long story, & you probably don't want to know although I get the feeling this thread will get some new rules laid don

hopefully not.
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"
WTF is going on?
beats me, I say it is the babble of the babble of the babble, really it is, all this crap about jessi and such is the babble of the babble and then this spesific part of this thread is the babble of the babble of the babble, it makes sense, .... kind of
One of my favorite bands..
This is getting rather confusing.....my net is being slow let me reconnect really quick
My teacher once once told me whe nthey were little someone put a sign up that said "Slow, children at play." Then later they came back & changed it to "Slow children, at play."
Quote:Originally posted by "morgorath"
Hey any one who insults Korn needs a series kick in the ass did you watch Queen of the Damn it was like one long Korn video hell it was the reason I watched the movie...
although, I think if I listened to it, I wouldnt like it, I am not actually insulting Corn(heheh) hell ive only heard
of it not it itself, i am mostly ripping on the acward spelling KoRn.
OpOx, you need MSN, or ADust need IRC.
KoRn has some good stuff I hated them back when I firstheard them, but bck then I wasn't even into Punkl, so go figure.