I'll admit, I've only read bits and pieces of this thread, so I'm not sure what the original purpose of the thread was. But since we're talking about girls.
I know this girl whose a friend of mine who really likes anime. I let her borrow my stuff all the time. And she's pretty cute too. We went out a couple of times, but nothing special. So we're just friends now. I'm probably gonna go with her to watch the Bebop movie since none of my other friends can go at the same time as me.
isnt that sweet? how the hell would i know? doesnt it annoy you that you may never be more than just friends? it would crack me up!
yeah, dont pass up the chance Vicious, give it all ya got, till ya cant give no more! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
but then again, you could fuck up ur friendship by makin a pass :? god im glad i dont give advice to me
what you do is just make it subtle, so that it could go either way.
shit, this guy is like two years younger than me and a whole life time wiser :?
well, I watch a lot of movies :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
but do you have any experience with girls?
*cough* .... what was that?

weatdrop: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "sanosuke"
isnt that sweet? how the hell would i know? doesnt it annoy you that you may never be more than just friends? it would crack me up!
What Vicious said is kind the way it is betwe me & one of my friends, onlky I would never think of taking her out on a "date", anyways she's monophobic, so she is always going out with someone, & we're supposed to watch Spirit WAway instead of the Bebop movie.
And in my situwation, well just read everything posted before.
This was posted because it relates to the subject, but in no way has any effect on the subject.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh, & why I'm at it, the girl I used to post about, well I'm happy to say she moved on & got her a boy in her own town!
And the one around here might break up with my friend & go back to her ex! Which then again her ex acts like an @$$. I tried to keep them togeth, but he seemed to act like I was trying to steal her, because she trusts me with a lot of information & junk or something. Even though he did "hug" me once.
wow, I think this thread has just turned into a gossip section. and I have no Idea who these people are, but I still like to here your anecdotes. meanwile I am still swingin single! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
well, Morgan (the girl that is into porn), I have a pic of her, but I swore never to show it to anyone, & I would post a pic of Jessi, but A) I don't know how; & B) She might kill me. Screw B, how do you post pictures?
I would like to know how to post a pic as well.
I think you just have a picture document and you attatch it. but you cant do that with the quick reply you have to go into post a reply.
and batz, you can show the pic here its not like she comes here or anything right? :mrgreen: :wink: :wink: :wink: