Thats it! he is ein!
sorry... thats to deal with a whole other thread. :mrgreen:
hehe, my computer was lagging because I was downloading porn for over 30 hours straight. :mrgreen:
yeah, that cannot be good for it, you ought to give it a nice long rest. :mrgreen:
"ok porn machine you have done your job for today now rest up!" :mrgreen:
Maybe I should call Steve Hand Solo instead of calling Taka that.
or you can take another star wars name and morf it by calling him master bater :mrgreen:
good point, but I'm pertty sure my other friend, David claims that one. He'd fit in perfect with the post sluts.
nice, and like I say the more the merrier, although I dont know if the moderators (especially sukaku) would be in favor of another post slut on board. :mrgreen:
You people should try Bit Torrent, its pretty good but I dont use it much. Its a p2p program were you click on a link and you start d/l a file, when you d/l a part of that file you start sharing what you got so far.
It has been long time now type for you Batz. :mrgreen:
I still haven't tried a p2p yet, and don't know if I ever will.

yeah, I am now seeing the post slut in Batz there are at least 10 threads where there are 10 postes strieght of me and him disscussing things this morning, I guess the rest of you were still asleep. :mrgreen: .... either that or not on the computer!!!!! wait ... couldnt be. :mrgreen:
I was reading. I got on earlier, and did alot of my posting.

Kakoi, give Bit torrent a try, you only share what you are currently downloading and thats it. So if you download a file, as soon as you have enough to share (around 1mb) you share that part while continuing to dl the rest of the file
How does that effect your downloading times? I may give it a try. :mrgreen: