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*Uses limit break* "Take this! Meteor Rain!" KKRRROOOOOOMMMM!!!!! :twisted:
*Suddenly, a green glow began to come from the ground under the dark crimson haired ShinRa SOLDIER and Vincent stood, Makou green eyes seeming to be a liquid, sloshing back and forth as he held out a hand which was also glowing that eery Makou color*

"Cetra Shigiou Hontouken..."

*The blast would fire from his hand into Dark Osamu, covering him in the Makou substance that the Lifestream was made up of, before the Earth would begin to break under his feet, and suck him under, the SOLDIER just stood there and narrowed his eyes*

(( Just as a side note, I do AOL Roleplaying as a ShinRa MP and have been SOLDIER and many other RP groups Final Fantasy style. That right there is just an example of my roleplaying skills, and it's a shitty one at that, but I figured I'd have fun before I went to bed ))
GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O :o
arrg! *finishes charging into supa saiyan* ah now you all gonna havit BANG!

*funkie beat begings to play* yeah thats more like it.
Wow, I downloaded about 3 Gigs. My computer has been on for over 24 hours. Not good!!!! It's bogging down but I'm getting 8 kb/s for Bad Girl 5. Tongue
getting back on topic....wait I mean off topic...

Bad Girl 5 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm female prison sex. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Bad Girls. :mrgreen:
mmmmmmmmmm indeed :mrgreen:
*His skin rips* aaah screw it if anyone cares, it's the same transfomation as I normaly use.

*stands up to OptimisticOx* If you want Steve you have to come throuh me!

Hey Steve long time no talk. Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
To bad I can't really defend him, I won't be on tomarrow, but still. *turns in a Yu-Gi-Oh card in defence mode* that'll hold'em off!

Also, hey everyone else. How have you guys been. I see some new guys, nice to meet you guys. See ya later, Peace Out. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
hey batz kage, you will be happy to know that I devoted an entire thread to you, I had seen you with 555 posts but none recent and then I looked into steeve the talking pies head and read through. nice to meetya

(darn defending duel monsters) :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :mrgreen:
KAGE-SAN!!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?!? Even the newbies ask about your whereabouts! Glad to have you back!

PS: I don't remember resserecting you! :?
It's nice to know I'm remembered, or atleast thought of.
I would be around morre often, but it's hard to stay up with things when you're only on every other day, so normaly I choose not to post on forums anymore.

Anyone ever find out what happened t WarArieS? I have his ICQ address, but I'm never on.
Once again, nice to meet you all. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Also about where I've been, latly I've been trying to organize a punk band Tongue
not really a fan of punk, havn't seen WarArieS since I joined, looks like he disapeared along with you.
I don't know what he's into. Isaw him on here a couple weeks ago. He was gone just like that again though. Sad
Rock like Sid Vicious Batz
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