I have some money to blow and I was wondering if a user could give me some advice. If you have seen both X tv series and I my me strawberry eggs, which one would you recomend.
If any one else needs any advice on anthing, feel free to post it on this thread.
There's only one X Tv series. "An Omen" is the OAV, and it's kinda a teaser for the series. I'd say X, but that's just me. :mrgreen:
Look at my sig and avatar, I think you'd understand my vote. :mrgreen:
hmmmm... yes, My friend said X as well but I still might be temped to get I my me instead because I found it on sale
Your funeral

Both are good, but really can't be compared to one another. Totally different. Go with I my me if you want a teen agnst show. Go with X if you are looking for a deep show with plenty of good characters in it. In my opinion it is the best Clamp has ever done. :mrgreen:

alright, I guess I will Go with X, I am willing to pay a few extra bucks and I am ready for a serios plot line after watching irresponsible captain tylor.
I my me does get serious towards the end. Check out my review on the site. :mrgreen:
Ahhh! :x now after reading that and a few other things I am back at the situation where I started,...*sigh* if only there was enough money for both...

Both are good. You really can't go wrong.

There both good, but so different. I'd prefer X. Better story. Better characters.

Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"
Ahhh! :x now after reading that and a few other things I am back at the situation where I started,...*sigh* if only there was enough money for both... 
Dude, it's $14 at Animeniacs.com. How can you go wrong? Buy it and then save up for X, while watching Strawberry Eggs. :mrgreen:
That is where I got mine, and for that price it was a steal. Close to perfect subs as well.

I rest my case. :mrgreen: